Janardhan Laxminarayan Bhat(54) of Sadashiv Nagar was found murdered in his residence on Tuesday morning after which the police swung into action to trace the culprits. Bhat was a noted businessman and sources inform that he had taken several huge tenders of supplying IT equipment’s, especially CCTV cameras to both private and government organisations. Police suspect business rivalry behind the murder.
Police also suspect that one among the murderer was known to Bhat due to which they were able to enter the residence from front door without breaking it. He was attacked with sharp weapons and the murderers seemed professional as they sprinkled chilly powder all over the place making it impossible for the sniffer dogs to trace. Now the Police are trying to gather CCTV footage from the nearby cameras to see if they can get any clue.
Janardhan Bhat is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.