Pt Rajprabhu Dhotre to get Rajotsava award

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Versatile Abhang singer from Belagavi Pt Rajprabhu Dhotre will receive this years Rajostva award for the year 2017.

Shri B A Reddy also has been awarded Rajostava award in the field of Engineering.

Nagnur Vachan Adhayan Kendra has received the award this year.

The award would be presented on November 1 at Ravindra Kala kshtera at Bengauluru in the evening. Another 61 persons will receive this award.


Pt Rajprabhu Dhotre hails from a family of musicians. His grand father was Pakhwaj player and his father a musician. His mother too was interested in singing classical and devotional songs. Rajprabhu has inherited the impulse of singing from his parents. He started to sing from the age of 6. At the age of 10 he came under the tutelage of Bhajan Chudamani Late Pt.Basvantappa Kadlaskar, a well known kirana Gharana vocalist and music teacher from Belagavi.

He is proficient in classical, light classical devotional songs. He has performed concerts in Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Andra Pradesh , Gujrat etc. He is accredited to All India Radio with A Grade for classical and light music. He stood first in Sangeet Vidwat exam in whole of the state. He also performs in doordarshan Bengaluru and Goa.

9 thoughts on “Pt Rajprabhu Dhotre to get Rajotsava award”

  1. Great to find such gems in my town, today’s generation is lost else where, when in their own town they have personalities to inspire from, get guidance, if fortunate become a shishya. Proud to be belgaumite

  2. Congratulations Pt Rajprabhu are an inspiration for your disiples and the community.
    God bless you with health and success in all your endeavors.

  3. Today Pt. Rajprabhu Dhotre ji made my morning and the day, by his singing in Sandesh Radio. Oh’, it was heaven. I paid a heartful Namaskar to him when the rag ended. Thank you very much for giving us such heavenly moments. Wishing the best for him.


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