Quasquicentennial celebrations of St Joseph’s Convent High School Belagavi

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Rated as one of the finest educational institutions in north Karnataka and Goa region imparting education to the girls, St Joseph’s Convent High School is observing its Quasquicentennial jubilee on Friday January 22. Under the management of the Canossian sister’s congregation, the most sought after high school in the region is engaged in imparting education with rich social, cultural and ethical values since last 125 years.

St Joseph’s Convent High School belgaumSpeaking at a press conference here principal of the high school Sr Thankam Michael said that the high school that was founded on the year 1891 in a small bungalow in Camp area is reaching a milestone in its fruitful journey with many milestones to its credit.

The high school was started after the British civilian and military officers petitioned the then Archbishop of Goa to establish an English Medium School in Belgaum. The archbishop urged Mother Stella of the Canossians in Hong Kong to spare a few nuns to start an English medium school here. Mother Stella sent five nuns who reached by ship to Cochin and then to Belgaum, covering the distance at times by bullock cart and on foot. Thus with a humble beginning the school has now has become the model for the education and overall development of the girl child,” Sr Thankam said adding that the institution has shaped millions of lives in Belgaum, Goa and north Karnataka region.

Speaking on the occasion Superior of the Convent and Manager Sr Maggy Vaz said that special celebrations have been organized to commemorate the occasion on January 22 where Superior General of the Canossian Daughters of Charity from Italy M Annamaria Babbini will be present.

Apart from giving a facelift to the basic infrastructure of the school for the benefit of the students of the school we have also launched a project to help the poor and deserving girl students. ‘Light a Lamp project,’ has been launched for this purpose where a donors and philanthropists can come forward and sponsor a girl child for her education,” Sr Vaz said urging people to come forward to support this project.

About 15 ex students who have excelled in various fields will be honoured on the occasion. Sr Olive D’silva, social activist Anita Rodrigues, Dr Ruhi Sait, Padmashree awardee Sucheta Dalal, well known psychiatrist Belinda Viegas Muller, Sadhan Pote, renowned artist and sculptor Veena Chandavarkar, former deputy mayor Asma Tashildar and others will be among the 15 students who would be felicitated on the occasion.

Bishop of Belagavi Rev Dr Peter Machado and Bishop of Karwar Rev Dr Derek Fernandes will be presiding over the religious thanksgiving prayers at Fatima Cathedral on January 22.

Quasquicentinnial 125 years of school. Photos from the archives

Posted by All About Belgaum.com on Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1 thought on “Quasquicentennial celebrations of St Joseph’s Convent High School Belagavi”

  1. I tried so much to get admission is St Josephs School, I request Sr. Thankam but she is not ready to give admission to my daughter. This School is for not poor and orphan. This is only for rich people.
    who can give bribe of money


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