Second Railway Gate Widened

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Suresh Angadi MoS Railways shared – One of my priority items is improving Safety at Level Crossings on Indian Railways. I directed Railway officials to take immediate action for widening LC Gates in and around Belagavi.

This instruction was in the backdrop of increasing road user traffic in Belagavi.
LC Gate No.382 (Tilakwadi Gate No.2) is one of the busiest LC’s on SWR with Train Vehicle Units of approx2nd-gate 2.5 Lakhs. As directed by me South Western Railway has improved the width of the road and also increased the length of lifting barrier at this LC gate for smooth movement of traffic.

Earlier the width of the road was 6.8 m and the length of gate boom barrier was 10.80 m. After making improvements and widening work, road width is now 10.0 m and the length of gate boom barrier is 12 m respectively. This is an important Road connecting to Panaji and due to this narrow LC earlier, it was a bottleneck for road and rail traffic movement.


To ensure safety, two Road humps/speed breakers of 125 mm were provided on both ends of the widened road for a width of 2 m. Existing signal/electrical posts shifted suitably, to accommodate widening. Check rail provided for 12.90 m length and Rail fencing is also provided at the approach road of LC. Due to continuous rain at Belgaum, painting of Rail barricade, road humps and Cat eye for better visibility and guidance to road users will be done subsequently.

Belagavi Public have welcomed this widening and positive feedback is being received from road users. Many perceive this widening, being second in the series within a month of widening of 4th LC gate, to be a big step towards smart City of Belagavi’s smooth traffic flow.
Construction of Road Over Bridge in lieu of this gate is a sanctioned work. Work is awarded by Railway and will begin once the site is made available by Civic Administration.

6 thoughts on “Second Railway Gate Widened”

  1. I hope it’s just the start,good v the nitizens hopes r that the best is yet to come. Do carry the work gradually n not like the lazy bulls

  2. A sigh of relif,respected Shri Angadijj.
    I am the frequent user of the second gate n as a senior citizen, I was finding extremely difficult to drive my car.
    Now, I am happiest man.
    Thanks s lot
    Good luck in all your endeavors for improving Belgaum city n also railways.

  3. Motorists can breathe a sigh of relief.
    Pedestrians on the other hand remain vigilant. Listen carefully to the blaring of horns all around you. 361 degrees. If you don’t move, hop or fly out of the way by the second HONK be prepared to get run over.

    Also notice the intricate, smart city-esque construction work done. Such finesse. Such a high level of professionalism. Put on display proudly for the rest of the un-smart world to see and get jelly. Just like that “bridge”. The “paint work” on that is next level ish.

    God help us all.

  4. This is so very welcome for all people travelling through these gates.
    I have two concerns..
    Maintaining this extension should follow with better process to manage traffic – patch work with no coordination with traffic controllers could make this useless

    The tone of this legislator speaks a lot of his character. I did this…I directed that….I (Aye) (Sic). I am keen to see a list of “I directed this’ from this invisible legislator.


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