Service road on Old PB road only on one side?

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For over 18 months the roads were blocked due to the work of the Railway over bridge at Old PB road, now that the bridge has been commissioned people are using it, but the citizens who have shops on Old PB road have a very tough time.

After some strong protests and intervention, one side of the Old PB road has now got a new concrete road, which is yet to be opened, but the road is ready.

old-pb-service roadfold-pb-service road

But, not a stone has been moved to the other side of the road for the service road. With no Drains, no road and only mud and ditch like condition the businessmen have been crying over this apathy of the administration.

Citizens are asking what is their fault for this step-motherly treatment? If service road has been built on one side why not the other side as well?

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