During the second wave of the pandemic, just like oxygen the use of Remidesvir which is an antiviral drug has been used extensively. This has caused a lot of shortage of the drug pan country.
Murugesh Nirani, minister for Mines and Geology in Bagalkote said the Remdesivir injection manufacturing unit would come up in Belagavi soon.
While speaking to reporters the minister said the Union government has given its permission to Satish M Gharge of Shree Anand Life Sciences to set up Remdesivir injections manufacturing plant in Belagavi.
It was a humble beginning in 1987, when a Pharmacist who hailed from a family of Doctor’s decided that we won’t become one and commenced his pharmacy shop in the small town of Mudhol, in Bagalkot district. The business grew over the years but this person had astronomic aspirations and he then decided to start his own manufacturing plant at Mudhol to make injectables.

Meet, Satish M Gharge Chairman and Managing Director of Shree Anand Life Sciences Limited, whose professional life commenced as a chemist and today he is making a set up a state-of-the-art factory at the Honga Industrial area, Belagavi which will manufacture injection’s including life-saving drugs.

There were several ups and downs while establishing himself, but he had set his goals and continued working hard to accomplishing them, finally reaching success. Opening a plant in Mudhol was not easy for many points like logistics, skilled labor but he went on with his dream. Setting up the injectible plant in 1989 was quite an adventure of sorts with very little machinery then, but he kept his vision and expanded as and when it was required.
The 2 acre factory at Honga Industrial is one of the biggest in North of the state with almost 70,000 sq feet built up area and all as per the W.H.O guidelines.
Good need of the hour. Your efforts will be very useful in this pendemic. Best off luck.
Proud to be part of Shree Anand Life science s
Congratulations to Salsl team
Good News for the citizens of Belagavi and surrounding areas !!! A highly noble venture on the part of Shri. Satish Gharge to start manufacture of the much needed drug Remdesivir Injection viols in his Mudhol plant in Karnataka State. Hence Shri Satish should be given all the encouragement, facilities and help by the authorities concerned and general public to achieve this project for the good of the covid-19 affected patients.
मानवता की सेवा में सराहनीय, समादरणीय, अनुकरणीय,अभिनंदनीय सत प्रयत्न ।