The level at Rakaskop across Markandeya river, the main source of water to the city and situated 18 kms away, was hardly one feet above the bed on July 8, 2014; and on Tuesday it has overflown and is to full capacity of 2475 feet.
In 2013 it had overflown on July 23.
In 2012 the reservoir was full on August 6, 2012.
In 2011 the reservoir was full on July, 2011.
There have been good rains in the past fortnight due to which water levels in all rivers and reservoirs have grown dramatically.Â
18 Kms from Belgaum literally means a hamlet of a Rakkasa (Giant), who is stated to have lived on a hillrock near the village. A cavern in laterite on the hillrock resembling a huge seated human figure is shown by the people to remind his past existence. Here is a Dam across the river Markandeya, supplying drinking water to Belgaum.
The current level of water was 2476.30 on 30-07-2014
The Water level in Rakaskop is fictitious as there is a lot of Silt in the catchment area. That is why, almost empty area is now about to overflow within a month. But this water will probably get over by december. Hence the De-Silting of all the dams is a critical matter & has be be taken into hands as early as possible. We can store double the water what we are holding in the dams right now. Please think over it & try to act accordingly.
I agree with Shridhar point on existing Dams, At the same time plan for new Dams in comming future Belgaum city population is going to grow very rapidly.
Also in all extensions areas there are many goverment open places make them garden with ground water harvesting, make small ponds in garden (let them get dried by November or december time) once they are tried childeren can play there footbal, cricket etc.
And Please stop using this open places of goverment for construting religious constructions.
I mean dried not tried.
I endorse the view of Shridhar Shanbhag. Desilting the catchment area will increase the holding capacity, thereby increasing the possibility of abundant water supply to belgaum city. The authorities should seriously look into this aspect which is a better option rather than crying foul during summer time. Moreover, it has been noticed that some money has been spent in the last month to tap ground water, in case of adverse monsoon but it would be better to get desilting of reserviours done.