Three roads to be renamed after Rajiv Gandhi Siddaramaiah BSY in Belagavi

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As recently as April 2015, the government told Parliament that 1975 guidelines did not allow the names of existing roads to be changed.

But names are being changed from cities to Railway stations to roads to parks; new names have replaced the old.

In Belagavi too, there are reports in the media that
Sambra Airport road to be renamed as Rajiv Gandhi road
Kanbargi Road will be called Siddaramaiah road
Old PB road ill be named as Yedurappa road

road-namesAnd of course what is the rationale behind this renaming is a question very similar to Why Kattappa Killed Bhaubali?
Normally names were changed due to Nationalistic reasons, Political reasons and Commemorative reasons.
The renaming in Belagavi seems to be political and Commemorative on the first look.

With the Indian National Congress in Power it may have wanted to showcase its power hence they planned to rename the Sambra airport road as Rajiv Gandhi road. One media even reports that the Sambra Airport only will be renamed after Rajiv Gandhi.

May be local leaders of the INC wanted to show their loyalty to the high command as it was done by the state leaders in Bengaluru and hence they might have come up with a name for Kanbargi Road as Siddaramaiah road.

So how can the BJP be left behind it must have come with a name their state president BS Yedurappa Road (old PB Road).
Just imagine how things will be in future When a INC CM say Siddaramaiah will be on Yedurappa Road to inaugurate the Railway over bridge works.
Or for that matter BS Yedurappa would be invited for some function on Siddaramaiah Road.

Citizens must contemplate on this subject of renaming roads without political affinities but only on merit.
If renaming is momentous then why not Shaeed Bhagat Singh road, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Road or so many martyrs of the MLIRC who have laid their lives for the nation.

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Also then why not rename Belagavi back to “VENUGRAM”.

9 thoughts on “Three roads to be renamed after Rajiv Gandhi Siddaramaiah BSY in Belagavi”

  1. I would vote for renaming as venugram. It is better to name roads after non controversial people. Many local people have contributed to the growth of the city. It can be named after them too.

  2. This is purely a stunt by the local politicians to show loyalty (read as ‘kiss the feet’ or some other filthier metaphor that I don’t like using in public spaces). There are many heroes from the past and not so distant past that deserve to be commemorated rather than these names that have come up (Dr. APJ and Shaheed Bhagat Singh aptly mentioned by you to name a couple of them).

    People of Belgaum (or Belgavi or Venugram if you like..thats not the point that I am making here though) need to stand up as we are just taken for granted to bow down unconditionally to these fancy aspirations of the present politicians for such gimmicks. Maybe seek judicial intervention?

  3. Roads are done by publics money i.e, tax paid by public and not by their own money. So they don’t have any right to keep their own names. Public should oppose it.

  4. If one would have consciously changed Belgaum to Venugram, we could have appreciated the move… but whenever #NameGiving ceremonies done nationally or locally they are done with political motive as briefed in above article by #AllAboutBelgaum…

    Its like a #BandraWorliSeaLink, No matter what name they keep, #SambraRoad will be Sambra Road & #OldPBRoad will be Old PB Road in common talk..!

  5. Its ridiculous. No renaming should be done. Netas should be remembered by their deeds and not roads named after them.

  6. In 1991, there was a layout named Rajeev Gandhi Nagar on Mandoli Road nxt to Guru Prasad Colony, many ppl purchased plots then, and have lost now due to land mafia….

    These names are like apshakun

  7. That’s totally bull s***…..They did nothing for our city and moreover nothing for nation..We have thousands of Patriots , soldiers from our own city ,great sports man , scientist…. these politician have thought these roads buildings have cane from there father in law…Will be part of anything that opposes renaming to politician name…

  8. Please give the names from our City like
    Raja Lakham Gowda (founder of RLS collage)
    Lingraj (founder of Lingraj collage)
    Sangoli Rayan (our freedom fighter)
    Kittur rani chennama (our warrior)
    You can include all other names from our district who are freedom fighter from Belgaum district

    Please stop stop using Ghandhi name, there are lakhs of roads, airport, stations, bus stands, collages in this name.

  9. Names of locals belonging to belgaum only, who are more than fifty year’s resident of belgaum, whoever it may be,who contributed in best interest of belgaum should be con
    sidered and not any tom and…..


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