Truck rams another truck at traffic signal on college road Belgaum

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truckacciA truck in high speed trying to get through the green signal rammed into another truck at the traffic Signal on College road this evening as the truck infornt stopped for the Red signal. The driver of the truck was injured and was identified as Hussain.


2 thoughts on “Truck rams another truck at traffic signal on college road Belgaum”

  1. I wondered why was the traffic diverted while i was driving back from Rly stn towards Chennamma circle , i browsed in AAB i got the answer. Good work done by AAB, not the Truck driver

  2. I wondered why was the traffic diverted while i was driving back from Rly stn towards Chennamma circle , i browsed in AAB i got the answer. Good work done by AAB, not the Truck driver


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