After two chain snatching incidents within a time span of 15 mins and one robbery at Maratha colony worth Rs.3 lakhs, the police were on their toes on Sunday with the Commissioner of Police himself on the road doing the vehicle checking.
DC P Anupam Agarwal was at Basveshwar Circle but all their efforts were in vain as they could not trace anything or get any leads.
Two bike borne youths snatched chains after which there was nakabandi and police frisked people and checked vesicles. Many citizens were amazed with this act, as the chain snatchers were on bike whereas even scooters/ and each one was being frisked at Chennamma circle and later fined for various discrepancies and violation of traffic laws.
A closed house was robbed in Maratha Colony of Anil Rohane which was closed as they had been to Satara.