Two new DIRT TRACKS open in Belagavi

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Two new DIRT TRACKS made open by Cantonment one on congress road near shivteerth and one opp the bus shelters at Bogarves.

congress-dirttrackThe newly laid dirt tracks are one of its kind to experience movements of all the parts of the body and the vehicle. Sources say the contractor has taken extra care to make this sync happen after the heavy showers.

A few people called it pot holes but it may be noted that those are not pot holes but scientifically made obstacle track.

Please do go and enjoy dirt biking.

4 thoughts on “Two new DIRT TRACKS open in Belagavi”

  1. What’s the tender condition, warranty & guarantee given by Contactor has to be checked & PIL to be filled. If you come & check roads at Mache industrial area this is 4th year not a single pot hole seen as our association done this road on 5years warranty at half cost of government estimates


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