Three-year-old girl from Raibag taluk in Belagavi district was brutally raped and murdered by her own uncle on Thursday night.
The child was allegedly raped and murdered by her uncle Uddappa Ramappa Ganiger in Kurubagatti village of Raibag Taluka.
The body of the victim was found in a sugarcane field on Thursday evening.
The accused lured the girl by giving her chocolates and took her to the nearby field located close to her house. Villagers who saw the accused taking the girl did not suspect any foul play as he was her relative. Ganiger allegedly raped the minor girl and strangled her to death in the field. Later, he buried her partially in the field.
Harurgeri police have filed charges against Ganiger under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) along with kidnap and murder charges.
Kya jamana a gaya, such criminals should be hanged infront of public immidiate after the incident.
We need Islamic Law.