VAT awareness on electronic uploading of data

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The Belgaum Chamber of Commerce and Industries,Belgaum in association with Joint Commissioner of Commercial Taxes (Admn), VAT Division, Belgaum is organising an interactive meeting on Friday, 23rd May,2014 at 10.30 A.M. at Chamber’s Rao Saheb Gogte Hall, Khanapur Road, udyambag,Belgaum.

On Awareness and educative Programme on Electronic Uploading details of Purchase and Sales by the dealers through a demonstration. This awareness and educative programme, live demonstration is for the benefit of the dealers and other stake holder like Advocates, Chartered Accountants, sales Tax Practitioners, accountants etc.

All the Stake holders and other members are hereby cordially invited to participate in the programme and to acquaint themselves with the process and procedure of uploading of purchase and sales statement and make it successful.

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