Train No. 06517 YESVANTPUR-MIRAJ BI-WEEKLY EXPRESS SPECIAL will depart from YESVANTPUR at 20-40 hrs. , on Mondays & Thursdays, with effect from 03rd to 27th November, 2014 (Total : 08 services) and arrive at MIRAJ station at 10-15 hrs., on Tuesdays & Fridays.
En route, the Bi-Weekly Express Special will arrive/depart at Tumkur at 21-50/21-52 hrs.; Arsikere at 23-05/23-10 hrs.; Davangere at 01-43/01-45 hrs.; HUBLI at 04-30/04-40 hrs.(Tuesdays & Fridays) ; DHARWAD at 05-03/05-05 hrs.; BELGAUM at 07-15/07-20 hrs.; Ghatprabha at 08-25/08-27 hrs. and arrive/depart at Kudachi at 09-10/09-11 hrs.
In the return direction, Train No. 06518 MIRAJ-YESVANTPUR BI-WEEKLY EXPRESS SPECIAL will depart from MIRAJ at 16-45 hrs. , on Tuesdays & Fridays, with effect from 04th to 28th November, 2014 (Total : 08 services) and arrive at YESVANTPUR station at 06-20 hrs., on Wednesdays & Saturdays.
En route, the Bi-Weekly Express Special will arrive/depart at Kudachi at 17-09/17-10 hrs; Ghatprabha at 17-52/17-53 hrs., BELGAUM at 18-47/18-50 hrs.; DHARWAD at 21-25/21-27 hrs.; HUBLI at 22-10/22-20 hrs.; Davangere at 00-28/00-30 hrs.(Wednesday & Saturday); Arsikere at 03-10/03-15 hrs.; and arrive/depart at Tumkur at 04-53/04-55 hrs.
The Bi-Weekly Express Special Train will have total 21 coaches, consisting of One AC First Class-cum-AC 2-tier coach, One AC 2-tier coach, Four AC 3-tier coaches, Ten Second Class Sleeper coaches, Two General Second Class coaches and Two Second Class Luggage cum Brake Vans-cum-disabled coaches.
Thank you sir …and it is very best , bi weekly . So that no harashment in rani chenamma and no rush in rani chennamma … And also this bi weekly train will avoid rushes in other train moving towards banglore …thank you sir