Coming back to Belagavi a dream of many

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People have often asked me who are looking to come back to Belagavi and work in the new Technology based companies located here. Coming back to your home town could be nostalgic, but it’s a bed of roses with thorns, which many ignore and some know about the thorns but come back due to some compulsion.

While it may be nostalgic to get back to Belagavi, one has to understand and be prepared to work with smaller companies with not really so much name & fame, cash reserves to pay metro-like salaries. One should look at coming to Belagavi to make a career and if possible be a partner/core team member of the companies located here. Aim to grow with the company you are associated with and hitch your commercial returns with the success of company!

There is myth in IT domain as to what really start-up means. All those overseas start-ups which come to India with fat salaries, bounty ESOPs, state of the art work place etc are not really “start-ups” In fact they are “started-up” in US or other place and are coming to other geographies for pure business reasons!

Things are however changing, there are home grown companies entirely based in India and then looking at Global market/presence. May be you will get to experience a real ‘start-up’ life in such firms at a very early stage of formation.

The situation is not any different either in other fields. If you wish to come here and settle be prepared for lesser reward. Cost of living in Belagavi and the metros are unquestionably lower and hence the lower remuneration package might also end up you saving the same amount as you did earlier. But there are limitations to this which one should understand. Belagavi is place which moves on its own pace, there is no hurry as in Mumbai or Pune.

Many call it a laid back city. Traveling from Angol to Kakti for work is like, so Far, no way. For people in other cities this may be just half of their one way travel to work or even lesser.

Many of the Technology companies who have started up here and have predominantly come back to work from here may what come, have faced a lot of difficulties and major one being skilled workforce, and hence most of them have offices else where in the metros.

Highly skilled people don’t want to come to a smaller city and work, due to various reasons of lifestyle and other issues. So to fill in the gap the startups here prefer to have offices in the metros where such highly skilled personnel work and many be travel to the HO in Belagavi once in a while.

Again Belagavi has that unique characteristic, here the govt works at a different pace and style. We have an IT park envisaged by some great bureaucrat about a decade ago but, still the same is unutlized. No big companies have shown keen interest to open offices here, but have preferred to select Hubballi over Belagavi, may it be Infosys or setting up the IIT.
The city of Belagavi has just become a pool of talent, which like a river flows from here through many of its tributaries but leaves this land dry.

Many would now say with the setting up of the AEQUS SEZ, there has been some inflow of skilled work force from the metros but again that has been limited and if the same would spread across all domains of technology, the entire landscape of the city could change.

Political will to get new industries to the city is most worrying factor, no new big industries have been set up here in the recent past, all the industries of world class stature who are exporting to the entire world have been set up by local Belagavi entrepreneurs alone. But again they to have a limited scope for expansion. The IteS has seen tremendous growth, but even the same has not picked up here as expected.

So for all those looking at Belagavi as a destination to move please make up your mind and will. While the transition will be challenging it will be rewarding in the long run. The journey itself is an experience!

0 thoughts on “Coming back to Belagavi a dream of many”

  1. Air connectivity was/is one of the major reason ….which refrain many MNC’s to consider Belgaum…even Rail connectivity is bad…totally non satisfactory…Major Buisness hubs Mumbai n Bangaluru are equi distance….such a advantage….yet…
    Skill n Talent are in abundance… question on that…even travelling across the town is no hindrance at all…climate , cost of living….everything is so welcoming…


  2. Sir , now the question is about how kids will adjust from metro to belgaum. Something similar to the dilemma, most people abroad have , should we go back or should we settle here ? How will it affect my kids if I move back ? Will they get the same quality of life once I move back ?
    And frankly speaking despite the world being a global village , the exposure in a metro , USA, UK , Europe is different from what one would get in belgaum.
    Belgaum shaped me , built me to be here. Where would I be if Mumbai, Pune , Bangalore would have built me ?

    • Dear Sagar,
      For your below worries I would like to share some points, true u will be bit take time to settle down specially from Europe/UK/USA, however the fact story is my family was with me abroad for almost 12 years with kids, I plan to go back so started with my first step to send my family member, believe me my kids are enjoying more than which u will not regrets with decision, they are going best to best school also I would like to add that which is most important is my kids are more active then here.
      With your small paragraph look like either u convincing yourself not to settle or discouraging who is reading ABB or planning to move.
      Are you from Belgaum?
      Cheers!!!!! Sagar and all the best where ever you are.

      • Sami, where did you live abroad?
        Are your kids in Belgaum now? Which school they go to?
        I’m planning as well. Your experience might help me a big time.

      • Hi Sami
        I am in India, and visit Belgaum once every 2 months to meet family. I am a paulite, born and brought up in Belgaum,. I just expressed my thoughts, and no intention to influence anybody’s decision. If coming back works well for someone, than its good to hear such stories and may be helpull to others.

  3. Firstly, not sure the agenda behind this article and the message it is trying to give. Also here, the perspective is on job. What about if person plans to come and set up something on his own. As Belgavi is growing, I see tremendous opportunities not only in jobs but also setting up something new.

    • Emphasis here is people who are working in the metros wont want to come here to work due to various reasons. People who are from Belagavi and have the love for it will come back to startup here but face human resource issues and the same has been mentioned.

  4. Very nice article and speak’s of my mind . But we have grown to an extent in metros in our professional carriers and have become out of reach to stay back in belgaum. The bigger question is employment most of us outside are due to jobs which we have taken up and immediate replacement in belgaum for these is not possible. I am not talking about incomes at this point which can be earned over a period…but main issue is lack of political will and local leaders ignorance to develop city from employment perspective .

  5. Hi,
    My self I was working in Bangalore for long 10years and was earning 50+/month. Got married in April 2016 and again went to Bangalore. But my dream was to come back and settle in Belgaum and do some work here only, or some business, by seeing future growth of Belgaum, as we all know, now there is no more space in Bangalore, Bangalore is not like before. Finally I resigned my job and came to Belgaum in November 2017. Everyone was like, what you going to do in Belgaum and there is no good opportunities here and no growth here, I just used to smile on them and be silent. Instead of answering them. I started my Hardware & Networking, Web Hosting, web designing services here in Belgaum, right now working for some of my known Bangalore Clients. Also equally within a month I got job opportunity in Servo Controls As IT System Administrtaor, doing part-time business as well. Also got one local customer for Website Development. Opportunities wont come to us. Whether it’s Bangalore or Belgaum, we need to create it.

    Final Words: Bangalore has a Opportunities. But Belgaum has a Life.

  6. Hi, I’m Richard Rozario, a Paulite. I completed my ITI course in Pune and later joined TATA Motors as a Machinist. Little did I know that I would put in 20 years of service. I migrated to Australia 5 years ago.
    On my recent trip to India, I visited Belgaum and enjoyed my stay as well as managed to visit Dandeli. Belgaum has the potential of becoming a major hub for many industries but it all depends on how well the infrastructure is developed and how many Belgaumites would love to do something for their City. It doesn’t matter which City/Country you live in or what do you do but when it comes to helping your Motherland, there’s no better way than bringing your expertise to help the community you were grown in. Someday, I’d like to come back and shuttle between Pune and Belgaum.
    Thank You

  7. I completed my education in Belgaum and went to Pune for better prospect.. I worked in Infosys for 3 years in the Legal Department.. Working there i never felt satisfied, i used to always feel that there is something missing. So atlast I resigned and moved to Belgaum in the month of Jan 2018.. Now I have started my own Law firm.. As said there is no much scope here but still the missing part which I used to feel has now vanished.. And by staying here I have got the satisfaction that I am in my birth place and I am with my parents who are in need of me now at their downsizing age..


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