I love to help my dad at work – Smita Jadhav

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Smita working at the Workshop
Smita working at the Workshop

Its afternoon time, girls from Bhatkande College have left and now headed home after a hard day at college. Some have plans to play for a while some have plans to watch TV and a few just want to rest. But there is one girl who is determined to help her dad in his workshop – Deepak Cycles in fixing punctures. She is currently pursuing her PUC 2. 

Meet this young dynamic young girl Smita Deepak Jadhav(19) alias Hundre from Mahadwar Road.
Deepak owns a small workshop opposite the govt school on Mahadwar road and each day Smita after school directly stops at the workshop to help her father in fixing punctures and then goes home.

Speaking to this Blog Smita’s Aunt said that she started to help her dad in his work as he had no helpers and there was too much work for the past 7 years now. Now she is an expert and can fix punctures of any car or two wheelers single handedly. She also goes to the doorstep if a vehicle is punctured.smita_jadhav2

Her parents are proud that the eldest daughter in the family has understood the hardships of her parents and is supporting them. But her parents want her to complete her studies first, to which Smita says, “I will pass.’

Those tender hands which have realized the hardships faced by her parents is commendable. Wishing Smita a successful career ahead.
Photos: Raju Sadare

0 thoughts on “I love to help my dad at work – Smita Jadhav”

  1. Best Wishes to Miss Smita Jadhav!!
    I have seen another girl who used to do similar job of fixing punctured tyres and renting out bicycles in a shop at the corner of Sambhaji Road Khasbag and old PB Road. This girl has been doing this since she was very little. She has been working there over a decade I think…and I believe she still does although I cannot confirm it as I do not visit that area anymore. And yes, she too worked passionately to help her father run that business. Kudos to Girl Power!!

  2. Hats off for this smita..

    I know deepak from my childhood my house is near shop..

    now I m in Mumbai but whenever I visit belgaum I have observed this..

    she works hard like a adult male. while lifting heavy things she won’t bother that she is a girl.

    my mom usually says me that “kasht karun kahitari karayach asel tar lok kay mhanatat yacha vichar karayach nahi ani phal bhetaa ki hech lok gapp basatat”

    thats wat i have observed in deepaks workshop..

    Smita is setting a example for WOMAN POWER in the society n it proves that they can do anything..

    Lets salute her..

  3. Great Work by Smita, I agree with Mr. Praveen’s Mother, Hard work always pays.

    Hats off for the news by AAB on the Day of Womens Day!!!!!!!!!!

    Smita my Salutes !!!!!!!!!!!!


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