9th World Ranking Men’s Tennis Tournament begins at VTU

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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, in association with, Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association, Bangalore, organized World Ranking Men’s Tennis Tournament of International Tennis Federation (ITF) during 17th to 22nd December 2012 at VTU Tennis Complex Belgaum.

Dr. H. Maheshappa, Vice Chancellor, VTU inaugurated the tournament on 17th December 2012. He said that, VTU has created world class sports infrastructure facilities to organize such International events at “Jnana Sangama” Campus at Belgaum. International standard Synthetic Tennis Court Complex has been constructed at “Jnana Sangama” Belgaum. Synthetic Tennis Court complex having four courts with facilities of coach rooms, change rooms etc. for men and women and also with spectator gallery with a capacity of about 500.

Abhay Patil, MLA, Belgaum South was the Chief Guest on the occasion.World Tennis-3

Tennis Court available in VTU Campus is suitable for conducting international tennis tournaments. In future challenging group World Ranking Tournaments will be conducted here and icon players like Federer, Nadal, Jokovik will be invited to VTU campus.

32 Top Indian players and 32 top players from seven different countries are participating in the World Ranking Men’s Tennis Tournament during 17th -22nd December 2012.

ITF Championships are the stepping stones for all players who wish to make mark in the professional tennis at the International level. Ninth ITF Championship Tournament will be organized at Tennis Complex at VTU Campus, Belgaum. Players from 7 countries will be participating in the ITF Belgaum Open Crown.

The championship carries an overall prize money of 10,000 USD and the winner of the singles gets 1300 USD and the runner-up will receive 900 USD while in the doubles, the winning pair takes home 660 USD and the runner-up combination will get 330 USD.

Both singles and doubles winners get 18 points and 12 points respectively, which for them is far more valuable and goes a long way in improving their world rankings. Top Indian players, such as Sriram Balaji of Tamil Nadu, Davis Cupper Sanam Singh and Vijayant Malik, of Chandigarh, Siddarth Rawat, Vivek Shokeen, Ramkumar Ramanathan, Ranjeet Virali Murugesan, Vinod Gowda, Sagar Manjanna and a few other upcoming players will be participating in the tournament. Besides, number of foreign contenders such as, Colin Van Beem & Jeroen Benard of Netherlands, Luca margaroli of Switzerland, Michael Shabaz & William Kendall from USA, Russian Sergei Krotiouk and Torsten Wietoska of Germany will be participating in the tournament.

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