
Kids call up Fire brigade and save a cat stuck on a window

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A little cat was stuck near a window pane of Chivate’s bunglow in Bhagya nagar since Monday night.

The elders tried to remove it but they too were unable to rescue it and the kids somehow tried to feed the little cat.
The kids tried all they could to rescue it but when they failed to do so, they called the fire brigade.
One of the kids googled as to what to do on such occasions and then he decided to call the fire bridge and they convinced the officers that they tried all but in vain so please come and save the little ones life.
The fire Brigade arrived in 15 mins and with the help of the ladder rescued the cat which was stuck on top a window pane.  

catAfter calling the fire brigade they rushed to the main road so that they could guide the fire brigade vehicle to the spot.
The Fire brigade also took the call on a serious note and arrived at the spot and rescued the cat.

cat saved
Standing Jeevam, Sitting from left: Ariha,Atya, Param and Labdi

It was the sheer presence of mind of the kids for themselves to call on fire brigade and also a we need to thank the fire brigade who took this call on a serious note and rescued the little cat.

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