Discriminatory policy of State Government are Belgaumites as second class citizen

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By Satish Kumar
Aerospace park planned near Bangalore airport

Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) has acquired land for the proposed 1,000-acre aerospace park to be developed near the international airport at Devanahalli in Bangalore. The park will include an aviation MRO-related activities (maintenance, repair, and overhaul) and 250 acre of an export-oriented aerospace SEZ. The SEZ is to be developed by KIADB and is expected to become operational from June 2010.

The above piece of news was in highlights along the launch of India’s first Aerospace SEZ QUEST at Belgaum. There is a loud noise on decongestion of Bangalore, government committee for regional imbalance, spreading evenly industries across the state.
Then Why today such extra announcements?
Why can’t an Government Aerospace Park shapes up near Belgaum ?
Belgaum can have Public sector players such as HAL and NAL.
This is utter case of discrimination against Belgaum development rising to competition within the state; bet it, they will sell land at very cheaper rate to attract foreign establishment and the land would remain for long periods vacant, but QUEST is much organized so will thrive up and flourish better.

Belgaum best suits for MRO facilities, the government has already paid the farmers in Sambra and Balekundri for additional 370 acres of land acquired around airport the present Airport is on 450 acres of land, Why not develop MRO at Belgaum The MRO (Maintain Repair Overhaul) just need some additional ware housing some new siding bays and hangers along with additional taxi way. Belgaum Airport is situated out of city the place is already a semi sub urban part with cosmopolitan crowd of Defense establishment and being having good scope of Academic thrust of some new collages coming up in the area.

belgaum-ap1Present Belgaum Airport

It had happened in past with Belgaum a thriving hub of auto component sector and back bone for Pune auto ancillaries, till date haven’t got an automobile plant or industry though one got sanction was driven away by Greedy MP’s and MLA’s of Dharwad/Hubli what are we waiting for more projects to get eyewash and missed out or driven away.

belgaum-ap2This is how MRO would be based here

belgaum-ap3This is how it would look like

Now you all think over How should be the government Policies should be discriminatory like this or prove voice of equality towards the entire state, where are the people/Politicians /Think tanks who calls for fight on injustice to north Karnataka and are mum today, besides have forgotten the support garnered for SWR railway head quarter at Hubli. Is not Belgaum In North Karnataka didn’t we fight then for this cause, though pity we still have not got Dharwad Belgaum rail line and trains to capital city of Bangalore, and Bangalore Mysore line is taken up for doubling.

Anguish here is over this attitude of government towards Belgaumites as second class citizen and time has come to ask them to stop this Let me see after reading this, How many voices will be rising , and more importantly Who will hear it, will it go through MPs MLA and Official dignitaries of Belgaum .

Make a difference for living in this society (though bounded by Linguistic territorial boundaries) we do are much dignified, cannot be ignored!!!!

The efforts of Satish in this particular story are immense, I just hope Govt. is reading this. (Does the Govt. ever read Blogs?)

28 thoughts on “Discriminatory policy of State Government are Belgaumites as second class citizen”

  1. Exactly said, Satish. The fact is, these politicians of karnataka govt. are almost from the southern part of karnataka. The people southside have the same discriminatory mind n always held we north k'taka people off the track, they think as if we are almost illiterate, uncivilized, underdeveloped etc, and that is because of this dirty minded govt. I guess if BGM was a union territory, then, under the central govt norms, it would have been miles forward than what it is right now. Atleast, thank god, that the central govt is not comprised with such discriminating politicians, which would have lead BGM a city without an Airport.

  2. Exactly said, Satish. The fact is, these politicians of karnataka govt. are almost from the southern part of karnataka. The people southside have the same discriminatory mind n always held we north k'taka people off the track, they think as if we are almost illiterate, uncivilized, underdeveloped etc, and that is because of this dirty minded govt. I guess if BGM was a union territory, then, under the central govt norms, it would have been miles forward than what it is right now. Atleast, thank god, that the central govt is not comprised with such discriminating politicians, which would have lead BGM a city without an Airport.

  3. Hi Satish,

    Your words are 110% true. For Karnataka government our Belgaum is second class city and they think the peoples leaving here are un-educated and they can do whatever they want. But they forgot one thing here the Bangalore which is almost dependent on IT is 70 to 80% dependent on talent from North Karnataka. For any development to happen we have beg to govt and govt slowly and intelligently moves these projects away from Belgaum. Being only cosmopolitan city in North Karnataka, Belgaum has everything to have Big companies (Recently Quest claimed Belgaum is Better than Bangalore) then why it is happens only with Belgaum.

    Yes, if Belgaum would have been a union territory then Belgaum growth rate would have been different today Or if the Belgaum is part of Goa state than Belgaum would have been a capital of Goa.

    Belgaum district has more BJP MP,MLA’s what they are doing? Are they elected only for their bred and butter? Why they don’t have any responsibilities
    towards their city/District? Why they only show-up during elections?

    Or they don’t know what’s the word Responsibility means?

    Thanks to Quest, atleast they know what’s the truth is….

  4. Hi Satish,

    Your words are 110% true. For Karnataka government our Belgaum is second class city and they think the peoples leaving here are un-educated and they can do whatever they want. But they forgot one thing here the Bangalore which is almost dependent on IT is 70 to 80% dependent on talent from North Karnataka. For any development to happen we have beg to govt and govt slowly and intelligently moves these projects away from Belgaum. Being only cosmopolitan city in North Karnataka, Belgaum has everything to have Big companies (Recently Quest claimed Belgaum is Better than Bangalore) then why it is happens only with Belgaum.

    Yes, if Belgaum would have been a union territory then Belgaum growth rate would have been different today Or if the Belgaum is part of Goa state than Belgaum would have been a capital of Goa.

    Belgaum district has more BJP MP,MLA’s what they are doing? Are they elected only for their bred and butter? Why they don’t have any responsibilities
    towards their city/District? Why they only show-up during elections?

    Or they don’t know what’s the word Responsibility means?

    Thanks to Quest, atleast they know what’s the truth is….

  5. I agree to that the govt. has been discriminating Belgamites. But not all fault is theirs. Being locals how much have been able to improve our own culture, Corporation, demand for good roads from the local authorities. Look at the RPD corner road widening, its our own people who resist development. How much dirty corruption in local regions have been able to curb.
    We being from Karnataka and trying to expect from State govt. have not been able to curb the marathi culture and reassure Karnataka that we are theirs.
    Sometimes it is nice to blame ourselves than others. Reach a better mark and then demand/ snatch what we are worth. But presently we are only worth what we have got.

  6. I agree to that the govt. has been discriminating Belgamites. But not all fault is theirs. Being locals how much have been able to improve our own culture, Corporation, demand for good roads from the local authorities. Look at the RPD corner road widening, its our own people who resist development. How much dirty corruption in local regions have been able to curb.
    We being from Karnataka and trying to expect from State govt. have not been able to curb the marathi culture and reassure Karnataka that we are theirs.
    Sometimes it is nice to blame ourselves than others. Reach a better mark and then demand/ snatch what we are worth. But presently we are only worth what we have got.

  7. As the Blogger says : The efforts of Satish in this particular story are immense, I just hope Govt. is reading this. (Does the Govt. ever read Blogs?)…

    I have strong feeling that it would atleast aware the current MLA of Belgaum if this forwarded to him even if no action happens. Because he is busy building his Education Money Minting Empire on Belgaum with the position he holds .

  8. As the Blogger says : The efforts of Satish in this particular story are immense, I just hope Govt. is reading this. (Does the Govt. ever read Blogs?)…

    I have strong feeling that it would atleast aware the current MLA of Belgaum if this forwarded to him even if no action happens. Because he is busy building his Education Money Minting Empire on Belgaum with the position he holds .

  9. Dear Satish,

    Yes u r right ……tks for YR efforts… frm here it should be the duty of ALL readers of this blog to spread this news and get out share… WE NEED THINK ABOUT OUR FUTURE GENERNATION THEY WILL BLAME FOR our LAID BACK LIFESTYLE.

    AMJAD MULLA — BGMITE in Saudi Arabia
    [email protected]

  10. Dear Satish,

    Yes u r right ……tks for YR efforts… frm here it should be the duty of ALL readers of this blog to spread this news and get out share… WE NEED THINK ABOUT OUR FUTURE GENERNATION THEY WILL BLAME FOR our LAID BACK LIFESTYLE.

    AMJAD MULLA — BGMITE in Saudi Arabia
    [email protected]

  11. Yes, Being capble of second capital of Karnataka, by politician and by people Belgaum is neglecting in all feilds. Yes, Aero space park should come to Belgaum which have good climatic condition & labour cost is less as compare to Bangalore. we have 4 Airports within 150 KM (Belgaum, Hubli,Kolhapur,Goa)in that 3 are within 90 KM. Hence Belgaum is the best option for this reason.
    From last three to four years we are just getting news like Belgaum will get IIT, International Airport, IT Park, International Stadium, Textile Park, Wine Park, etc…. but even one also not yet implemented.

    I sincerly thanks to Quest to choosing Belgaum.

    Jagore Belgaumites!!

  12. Yes, Being capble of second capital of Karnataka, by politician and by people Belgaum is neglecting in all feilds. Yes, Aero space park should come to Belgaum which have good climatic condition & labour cost is less as compare to Bangalore. we have 4 Airports within 150 KM (Belgaum, Hubli,Kolhapur,Goa)in that 3 are within 90 KM. Hence Belgaum is the best option for this reason.
    From last three to four years we are just getting news like Belgaum will get IIT, International Airport, IT Park, International Stadium, Textile Park, Wine Park, etc…. but even one also not yet implemented.

    I sincerly thanks to Quest to choosing Belgaum.

    Jagore Belgaumites!!

  13. Thanks every one for your comments manily the youngesters, but I still expect more comment to fall in, from the prominents people who read this site and were starcasted by Uday , ther is a still lot life left to see Belgaum flourish , but only yougster shoold thrive.

    Regards (Thansk Uday for Publishing the story)

  14. Thanks every one for your comments manily the youngesters, but I still expect more comment to fall in, from the prominents people who read this site and were starcasted by Uday , ther is a still lot life left to see Belgaum flourish , but only yougster shoold thrive.

    Regards (Thansk Uday for Publishing the story)

  15. Hi Satish … it has been a great effort … but the problem is not outside the city .. its inside the city …. non of our politician are willing to do any thing extra …. all want their dirty pockets to be filled … there has never been unity in the city corporation … Kumarswamy's govt was the only government when belgaum could see some ray of hope ….. local citizens are divided … . at one side MES .. the other side BJP playing double games on the border dispute … our neighbours and to be specific HD belives north karnataka is only HD …. they want everything what belgaum gets or getting … and if they dont get it they make sure non in north karnataka should get it … its high time that north karnataka should wake up and especially belgaum … till now belgaum has grown on its own feet and because of its capabilities .. but neighbours and the south karnataka politicians are trying to suppress and undermine our most talented city …… its great thing to say that citizens can bring the change required for the city .. but the case for belgaum is very different … its similar to when britisher's ruled india …. we need someone like subash chandra bose or bhagath singh ….

  16. Hi Satish … it has been a great effort … but the problem is not outside the city .. its inside the city …. non of our politician are willing to do any thing extra …. all want their dirty pockets to be filled … there has never been unity in the city corporation … Kumarswamy's govt was the only government when belgaum could see some ray of hope ….. local citizens are divided … . at one side MES .. the other side BJP playing double games on the border dispute … our neighbours and to be specific HD belives north karnataka is only HD …. they want everything what belgaum gets or getting … and if they dont get it they make sure non in north karnataka should get it … its high time that north karnataka should wake up and especially belgaum … till now belgaum has grown on its own feet and because of its capabilities .. but neighbours and the south karnataka politicians are trying to suppress and undermine our most talented city …… its great thing to say that citizens can bring the change required for the city .. but the case for belgaum is very different … its similar to when britisher's ruled india …. we need someone like subash chandra bose or bhagath singh ….

  17. Uday, Any possibilites of posting the same in Twitter / Facebook etc ….mass mailing …..let's not stop here……let's pass on this msg to our MLA's & MP etc…

  18. Uday, Any possibilites of posting the same in Twitter / Facebook etc ….mass mailing …..let's not stop here……let's pass on this msg to our MLA's & MP etc…

  19. The logic is simple. Border dispute – Retardation in growth of belgaum-Feasibility studies show the Non- Viability -Hence projects are cancelled/delayed -Justification of starting any project becomes difficult. Our Belgaum collegues in Mozambique do not find any reason to blame the local politicians. In fact many politcians like respected Shri Prabhakar Kore & Shri Suresh Angadi might also have struggled. When feasbility is not there what can the local politicians do. Blame & Blame the Border dispute ,which is the root cause.
    – Ram Ayam ,Mozambique-

  20. The logic is simple. Border dispute – Retardation in growth of belgaum-Feasibility studies show the Non- Viability -Hence projects are cancelled/delayed -Justification of starting any project becomes difficult. Our Belgaum collegues in Mozambique do not find any reason to blame the local politicians. In fact many politcians like respected Shri Prabhakar Kore & Shri Suresh Angadi might also have struggled. When feasbility is not there what can the local politicians do. Blame & Blame the Border dispute ,which is the root cause.
    – Ram Ayam ,Mozambique-

  21. I agree to certain extent about Ram's comment on viability, but like Shetter Prhalad Joshi who go out of their way to yous their clout to make things happen for thier cities, recent case are Jagdish Shetter moving Belgaum divisional office of education department to Dharwad from Belgaum Irrigarion engineer office Northe from Belgaum to Dharwad and Prhalad Joshi pressured Mysore Exp and intercrity express to start from Dharwad, well they all following same tactics which Mr Sr Bommi used to curtial Belgaum's growth " Border Dispute" …. Bommai Junior is nothing less he had only concentrated on Kalsa Bandhuri nala for water supply to Hubli Dharwad and not to forget he is so called district inchrage minister for Belgaum , Had Mr Angdi or Abhay /Sanjay Patil , Firoz Sait , have no say or dont want to say , God only knows ?… we cant be just with it any more , some one need to open the eys of these elected representatives , I must Thank Mr Kore since I had wrote him last time for supporting IT devlopement in Belgaum he was very instrumental on startup of K2 technologies at KLE premises Belgaum , rest even can atleast give a try …

  22. I agree to certain extent about Ram's comment on viability, but like Shetter Prhalad Joshi who go out of their way to yous their clout to make things happen for thier cities, recent case are Jagdish Shetter moving Belgaum divisional office of education department to Dharwad from Belgaum Irrigarion engineer office Northe from Belgaum to Dharwad and Prhalad Joshi pressured Mysore Exp and intercrity express to start from Dharwad, well they all following same tactics which Mr Sr Bommi used to curtial Belgaum's growth " Border Dispute" …. Bommai Junior is nothing less he had only concentrated on Kalsa Bandhuri nala for water supply to Hubli Dharwad and not to forget he is so called district inchrage minister for Belgaum , Had Mr Angdi or Abhay /Sanjay Patil , Firoz Sait , have no say or dont want to say , God only knows ?… we cant be just with it any more , some one need to open the eys of these elected representatives , I must Thank Mr Kore since I had wrote him last time for supporting IT devlopement in Belgaum he was very instrumental on startup of K2 technologies at KLE premises Belgaum , rest even can atleast give a try …

  23. The views of Ram Ayam & Satish are correct.Ultimately the state government will favour the development un-disputed areas like Hubli & Dharwad.If Belgaum was an undisputed area and with the dynamic politicians like Shri Prabhakar Kore & Shri Suresh Angadi ,definitely would have progressed to unimaginable limits.The matter of retardation is again the “TUMOR” ie :-Border Dispute.

    – S.M NAIK-

  24. The views of Ram Ayam & Satish are correct.Ultimately the state government will favour the development un-disputed areas like Hubli & Dharwad.If Belgaum was an undisputed area and with the dynamic politicians like Shri Prabhakar Kore & Shri Suresh Angadi ,definitely would have progressed to unimaginable limits.The matter of retardation is again the “TUMOR” ie :-Border Dispute.

    – S.M NAIK-


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