VTU not accredited to the University Grants Commission

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vcThe Hindu in a special interview of VC H. Maheshappa of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) the states only technological university. 

The articles says, It has recently come to light that Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka’s only technological university, is not accredited to the University Grants Commission. 

Why is VTU not recognized by the UGC? To this question the VC replies that, It is true that VTU has not been able to obtain UGC accreditation. The administration and examination wings have been managed by nearly 260 contract workers for the past fifteen years. The government rejected proposals to regularise their services. We obtained approval for the recruitment of teachers after pursuing the matter for long with the previous government. However, the present government has stalled interviews indefinitely under the pretext of Article 371(J). (Under Article 371(J), people in Hyderabad Karnataka region will get reservation in educational and employment opportunities.)

The UGC will not consider our application until we have our own teaching and non-teaching staff along with the required infrastructure. VTU is not even included under Section 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 to become eligible for Central assistance. The university is managing its affairs on its own.

The VC further adds Perhaps, VTU would have functioned much better had it been in Bangalore. 

7 thoughts on “VTU not accredited to the University Grants Commission”

  1. The VC further adds Perhaps, VTU would have functioned much better had it been in Bangalore –> If VC feels he is incapable to do the administration he should step down & not pass baseless statements like this. 🙁 🙁

  2. How will “VTU being in Bangalore” make a difference in the overall functions of the University, I am not an expert in this field but I don’t think you need to be a rocket scientist to understand this.

    Not being close to the state capital shouldn’t in any way hamper the functioning.

    • Rightly said.Location is not the criteria for any University’s development. VC and the Government are jointly responsible for this present condition of the university.I think VC should have a more positive approach to develop the University in Belgaum rather giving baseless statements regarding location.This University was specifically selected for Belgaum so as to promote inclusive growth considering North Karnataka.

  3. I read the whole interview , this man doesn’t deserve this post, tainted with his fudged credentials to take this chair or post ( he might have greased someones palms to be here), disturbed me more saying , about its HQ presence in Bangalore would have made difference, What the heck is he being doing all these days here in Belgaum, VTU was setup in view of addressing regional imbalance , and it is the responsibility of state government to get UGC funding not individuals like Mr Maheshappa to give loose talk comment on leading newspaper, incapable and corrupt please step down and get lost from Belgaum and VUT Belgaum, and this is the most harshest ire of Belguamite you can hear off Mr Duplicate certificate holder chancellor.

  4. Does that mean students studying in VTU can’t apply for government jobs (inside/outside karnataka), because it’s not UGC recognized? 🙁


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