A Saturday morning of the month of May in a school is always dull with no one around. But this is not the case today. Thousands (literally) of anxious parents were seen at schools early morning on Saturday morning as the first list of the LKG admissions was up at many schools.
Schools were bustling with activity since early morning. Each parent was very eager to know whether his child has been lucky enough to get admission for LKG in school.
Many of the parents were happy to see their form number on the board and had a sigh of relief as their child had got admission.
There were others as well how could manage to get admission into 4 schools they had filled in forms. One parent told the blog, “I had filled forms in 4 schools but my child number is not there in even one. What do I do now he asked in anxiety.”
Now one has to wait for the Second list which would be out in next week.
Parents who have not been able to secure admissions now they will face a grim task of getting admissions in other schools as the time gap is very less, as the new academic year is fast approaching from May 30.
There is always the option open for CBSE or a ICSE school and instead of wasting a child year I would now admit him in one said a parent.
All those parents who were not lucky (you are not unlucky, but luck is not on your side) dont loose heart, approach the schools they have quotas in which you can get the child admitted but ofcourse you will have to shell a few thousands. Also look out for the CBSE or ICSE schools who also take admission now.
Our word would be dont go behind Big names, instead look at the nearest Best school from your house, so that the child has the least traveling time and when a bit elder he can commute by him/herself.
Also see the previous posts which will help you understand the process much better.
Beggars cannot be choosers:LKG admissions
Admission tensions are boiling over!
Admission time: Is raat ki Subh Kabhi
Its High time the Karnatake government liberalises the education policy and allowed the privatisation of the education sector.The only reason the giovernment is not doing this is to allow the unscruplous politicians to make money out of it.The government should take a leaf from the Andhra pradesh model and emulate it.The government should should become a honest and ethical arbitrator and have high quality regulator to oversee the functioning of the education and it will prosper and become world class through sheer market force , compeitation and private capital.
this will also free goverment money and resources to improve muncipal and state school which are dismal and in a disarray.
What is the amount schools in Bgm charging for donations?
When a child life begins with donations been paid at very beginning of start of his career, how can one expect corruption free India? Schools & colleges which i studied in BGM, i never like to visit for the very same reason.
Very well said Santosh,
I heared from my friends which surprise me when he said he is ready to pay 50000/- for the admission where he is not getting the seats.
My first advice DON’T BLAME THE GOVERNMENT (Politicians, Bureaucrats, Officers Totally Excluded)
1) Private people take whoever it may be take advantage of our flights of fantasy (if my child studies in english medium he/she will get good instituitions for higher studies or very good job with astronomical salary)
2) Today no one is bothered about or value it, just have a look in your pocket how much you carry in hard cash, next debit cards after that credit cards. Look at how much others spend (with those who have and those have nots)
3) If we go to US of A, UK, Germany, blah blah and put our wards in government run schools we say they have better quality of education. Only a small percentage people can afford to their wards in private institutions that is in rich countries.
4) Look at how much government has given subsidy to aided institutions so that we become educated and be of help to the country. We blame the government. There are many women who become housewife after marriage the money spent by govt on their education goes down their own kitchen sink drain. There are opportunities like Teach for India where they can volunteer.
No One Wants Govt. Bus
No One Wants Govt. Hospital
No One Wants Govt. School
No One Wants Govt. Library
Everyone wants Govt Job NO Responsibility No Work No Tension Full Pension
Herwadkars management is without ethics,very worst.
We had high expectations from DC Anabukumar but he could only made available admission forms easily nothing else.The school organisations continued to make their Dadaism and sold the seats. .There was no fixed rules followed by them.as soon as they issued forms they booked the seats for high amounts internally .I have observed somewhat different tactics in st. Paul’s.Most of the seats allotted without influence or money.on the other hand Herwadkars had displayed the first list saying area-wise seat allotment.They have collected Rs 40/- each per form from the parents instead of Rs 10/- or Rs 20/-.Also if they want to allot seat area-wise Why they have not declared it at the start? Why they have collected fees from non eligible areas?Can they now return the money?.Like high class beggars they collected the money.In the second list they displayed some names which are from non eligible areas .How they have included it in the list?.I will show names which are from non eligible areas.In the first list they rejected students from Shahapur,Vadgaon,Mahadwar-road.In the second list they selected students from Mahadwar-road.this means Herwadkars have sold that seats for huge amounts.So my request to honorable DC is that Can he investigate the rules followed by Herwadkars and ask them to return money collected from non eligible areas and re-admission.I request all parents to come forward and fight against such high class beggars. Also despite of Govt. order schools are collecting huge donation from parents.This all I have written is with proof . DC should investigate st. Xavier,st. Mary. they are not clean.