843 new cases – 367 discharged – Active cases now 5228

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Belagavi district registered a total of 843 fresh Covid-19 cases on May 6, the active cases in the district reached 5228.
1 death has been reported today of a 66-year-old Female at BIMS.

Total death toll has now reached 368

Active cases have now risen to 5228

Belagavi Taluka has 395 new cases mostly from City area.

Gokak also shows a huge spike of 12 cases today

367 persons have been discharged today


new cases in the state

Athani 24

Belagavi 395

Bailhongal 53

Chikodi 24

Gokak 122

Hukkeri 21

Khanapur 38

Ramdurg 64

Raibag 44

Savadatti 45

Others 13

2 thoughts on “843 new cases – 367 discharged – Active cases now 5228”

  1. Its high time,Belgavi has to go for a complete lockdown for at least 15 days.other wise things will get out of hands.This ongoing lock down is just show off,just see the rush betwwen 6-12 .and even after the roads are crowded.Many people are taking medication for fever and cold.This is serious.

  2. Can someone share city wise active cases data. I am a bank employee and this data is very much needed to educate the people on staying home and not wander around, and come to bank branches for petty queries.


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