AAB Impact- Car parking fees Lowered to 20 from 30 in Cantonment

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On January 18, 2016 AAB had made a story on Excess charging of parking fee Gross violation of terms of contract in Cantonment Board, Where Rs.30 were being collected when the official charge mentioned in the tender agreement was Rs.20.

Today we were surprised to see new tickets being issued of Rs.20 which has the mention of the parking fees as mentioned in the tender document and agreement.

cant-parking-impactEarlier receipt was being issued and Rs.30 were being collected by the highest bidder which was awarded the contract in this case Universal Security agencies, Hubli who had bid Rs.38,51,000.

bogarves-parkEven there is gross violation of terms mentioned in the agreement which AAB has got access to and some major points from them are –

A rate board containing clear information about the parking rates will be displayed by the licencee in the parking areas. The parking hours and parking charges shall be displayed on the rate board as approved by the BCB.

This may kindly be noted that entire responsibility of safety & security of parking lots lies with the parking contractor.

No boards are put up anywhere in the cantonment nor by the contractor nor by the authorities which mention clearly the time and the fees, WHY ?

So our story has made an impact now the prices have been reduced, citizens must stand up and ask questions it is your right.

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