Mobile tower removed Still road access to two villages a hindrance for Airport

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Mobile Tower causing hindrance in launch of new flight services at Belagavi, this Aircel Tower has been removed on 6-09-2016 which was a major hindrance for ongoing development work at Belagavi Airport.

But this is not the only hindrance, one more major hindrance which seems to be unsolved as yet are the two gaps in Airport Boundary on Runway 26 side for access from Balekundri village to Manavkatti Village.

tower-mobileThat access road is on the site where approach lights are to be installed.
Hence , a separate road is to be provided by District Administration and it is only after that Approach lights can be fixed on the extended runway and the runway can be put to use.

Civil works for Runway extension had already been completed on 31 March 2016 but with this tower in the approach path AAAI is unable to install Runway approach & other Ground facility lights.

Once the said tower is removed we can expect launch of new flights in 4 months time as new flights will require DGCA approval and also will depend on the availability of parking slots on other airports.

Sources say that still the ATC building and the Terminal building are under construction but this will not hamper the launch of new flights as it is permitted by DGCA.

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