We have just compiled some estimated market value as per the Sub registrar records. There can be some typo errors and information here has to be used only for approximate valuations. This blog does not guarantee exact and correct value.
Please keep in mind that these are only Estimated Market values by the Registrar of Land records, which means u have to pay registration fees on this value or higher. Normally values are above these values only.
There are bound to be many areas left out but in general you can ascertain the value by looking at the surrounding area rates.
Belgaum Land Value 2013
For other areas click here .
Select District as Belgaum.
Then SRO as Belgaum
Then in Main area Belgaum for city, Tilakwadi, Hindwadi etc
I recently went to belgaum to purchase a flat. They showed me one with 1125 sq ft. area 2bhk flat in hanumaan nagar at Rs 35 lakhs.
Is this deal worth??
This gives a snapshot of the registered values , which is usually extremely understated compared to Market Value.
Actual Market Value is generally upto 4 times the registered value