Support the petition Injustice to BELGAUM-KITTUR-DHARWAD Rail Link

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 Ravikiran has made an online petition for the Injustice to BELGAUM-KITTUR-DHARWAD Rail Link.

 logoKindly support it.

 Petition’s Target: Ministry of Railways- Government of India

Petition’s Goal: I invite all the people to support this petition, and put forward our demands.

 Petition’s URL:

4 thoughts on “Support the petition Injustice to BELGAUM-KITTUR-DHARWAD Rail Link”

  1. Thanks Ravi and Uday , for posting and bringing this petition online to all Belgaumites, I wish we get a good response, ad this is what Hand in hand move forward to achieve something, I am trying to propagate more info to some prominent industrialists so they can take the same through Belagum Chamber of Commerce and Industries and The CII North Karnataka office Belgaum to Union Ministers and state minister, I must say even Mr Yadiurappaa should come forward for this cause.
    Belgaum should get special status as border district and Divisional Head Quarter of NW Karnataka

  2. Belgaum Dharwad direct line is very essential for overall developement of North Karnataka,The line
    should be completed before 2015. Instead of linking via Bailhongal, a separate track from bagewadi
    can be laid to connect bailhongal and Saundatti for the benefit of Yellamma devotees or ,a new line should be laid between GOKAK YARGATTI YELLAMA TEMPLE AND DHARWAD.

  3. Doubling of TRACK between HUBLI AND BELGAUM is also essential for faster connectivity between these two important cities ,as well as they provide a vital link for MUMBAI BANGALORE CORRIDOR.
    To introduce High speed non stop trains between metro cities.

  4. Belgaum Dharwad definately deserves a direct link by train. This woud save the travel time between the two cities by Train largely and also would help reduce road traffic between these two cities very much.

    The climatic conditions and the erudite population of Belgaum should be tapped well for good purpose like making it the education hub of Karnataka next to Bangalore and Manipal. Belgaum definately deserves an IIT, which is being proposed to Government by the local MLA.

    V Srini


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