Karnataka History Academy seminar

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Karnataka Itihaasa Academy / Karnataka History Academy (Belgaum Chapter), a Self Interest Group on Indian History is organizing a 1 day seminar on “History and Culture of Karnataka” at Bailhongal (Belgaum Dist.) on 26th of April, the grand inauguration of which is scheduled on the 25th of April. The seminar is planned to be presided by Dr.Venkateshayya, Director, South Regional Centre, Archaeological Survey of India, Bangalore.

The seminar features talks by eminent Historians, Archeologists, Numismatics experts, and scholars at large on various interesting topics ranging from Temple Architectures, Tourism, Art and Architecture, alterative explanations for various historical uncovered facets etc. Some of the eminent historians like Dr.Padigar (Karnataka Univ), Dr. S.K. Joshi (Sup.Archeologist- Retd), Dr. Karuna Vijayendra, danceau and art historian, Dr.Devarakondareddi , renowned epigraphist and many others will speak. The sessions will be well attended by professors, students, scholars and people who have an interest and flair for Indian History. There are various articles invited to be published in the commemoration volume – “PrachyaNidhi”, and interested people are welcome to contribute articles in Kannada, Marathi or English. For more details please contact – http://kiabgm.wordpress.com/(Currently the site is in Kannada only, but we have plans to add English also).kia

Karnataka Itihasa Academy was founded by some of the eminent historians of India including Dr.G.S.Dixit, Dr.Suryanath Kamat and has the patronage of international scholars like Dr.A.Sundara, Dr.H.SGopal Rao etc. KIA has been active in spreading awareness about Indian History and the importance of keeping our Heritage safe. It provide platform to upcoming historical researchers by publishing their articles in its journal Itihas Darshan.

Belgaum chapter is the active wing of KIAS in north Karnataka, trying to conduct events of various kinds including Heritage Walks, “Save Heritage” campaigns, Photo Exhibitions and Field camps for students and teachers. The Belgaum chapter group consists of a diverse group of people with diverse background – Professors, Teachers, Engineers, Doctors, Businessmen etc. with a single common interest – “Indian History and Heritage” under the guidance of Dr. Mrs. Smita Surebankar, HoD, RPD College(History).

Interested people (from any walk of life but with this common interest) who wish to join the group or for any other queries can contact: Manjunath Hadli (+919743708383) or email at [email protected]

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