Jimmys joy ride with photography

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Jasminder Singh Khurana known to his friends as Jimmy always spares one day of the week for his spa which rejuvenates him; Bird photography.
Jasminder spent his early days of childhood in Camp surrounded by the serene calmness and natural beauty. He studied at St.Paul’s High school and then later went on to complete his Diploma in Automobile.

He likes to just capture anything Portraits, landscapes, sunsets, sunrise, beaches, flowers, birds, insects, mammals. Photography has turned from a hobby to a passion, it has helped me respect, learn, appreciate, admire more about nature then ever before.

On the professional front Jasminder has a transport business and also a petrol bunk which keeps him busy for the week, but he always makes himself time for his passion of photography. A self learner he has learnt as most photographers learn, trail and error; shoot, print and then examine.jim post


How did you first get into photography?

Since childhood i have been surrounded by Nature, which always attracted me, be it flowers, landscapes, birds or insect’s. Capturing them got me into photography.

What is your favourite kind of photography, and what is it that interests you so much?

Jasminder ——> Favourite kind of photography, is clicking images of Birds. Capturing birds is so much difficult, its very challenging as they are not there everywhere. You have to move out of your comfort zone, walk, crawl, hide for minutes or sometime hours to get one good click. Its this challenge that keeps me going for more.

What kind of equipment do you use now, and what did you start with?
Jasminder ——> I started off with a roll camera, now this was no fancy stuff. It looks like a coke can in disguise & i still have it. In 2006 when the digital era was upon us, i got my first SLR i.e Canon 350d. Now i have using a Canon 1d Mark IV with a couple of super telephoto lens for birding.


What’s your favorite ever image, and why?
Jasminder ——>My favourite image is when i got to see & shoot the majestic Bonniel’s Eagle. This one can be seen only a couple of times in a year & it makes it nest on the tallest tree available. It took me more than 2 months to find out where i could get them, had to walk a couple of kms, then literally crawled lying down on a sloop side of the mountain and then got to spend only 5 mins upclose to see & click some images of this beauty, while it was hunting on the ground. Every effort & minute was worth it.

What are your favorite places for shoot?
Jasminder ——> I am really blessed to be born in Belgaum where we are surrounded by so much nature. Just within a radius of 100kms you have such variety of species of birds, animals, insects, flowers & landscapes. Every Sunday that I get, I head out in a new direction, exploring the region for wildlife. Places like Khanpur, Dandeli, Jamboti are a few places I visit on a regular basis.

How has been the support from the family, esp wife and Kids?

Jasminder ——> I am so lucky to have such an understanding family, specially my wife (Jasvinder) who has to mange 2 small naughty angles, when I am off to shoots. It would just not have been possible without her. She is the real strength behind me who always keeps encouraging. When i am away on Sunday mornings, i don’t have to worry about home & kids cause i know she is there and this helps me, concentrate on my shoots. Even on a holiday tour, i carry my equipment, to do some shooting if possible & if i forget too, she reminds me to carry my camera. Now, what more can i ask for, I am ever so grateful to her. She helps me keep this passion alive.

What is the one piece of advice that you would give to other budding photographers?
Jasminder ——> On advising young photographers, photography is a great hobby/interest, it’s the best thing you can start with or get into, you get to meet a lot of people through your photos, get close to nature, see new places & it gives a very special kind of happiness when you get the right click or capture a moment & then share it. I always believed & followed two things while doing photography, regardless of what you are shooting i.e “ Patience & Persistence”.

How do you think photography will change in the future, if at all?
Jasminder ——> From the rolls to now a digital camera, no one ever imagined that transfer. The best part about digital is, it has made more & more people come into photography, capture special moment, share them, giving them happiness & that’s a very good thing. I feel Photography instruments that we use now will become smaller in future & a more part of human body then ever before. You would just need to blink & the moment is captured.

In your view is this website(AAB) doing good for Belgaumites ?
Jasminder ——>AAB has been representing Belgaum exceptionally well & the information provided about Belgaum is just awesome, your site has got all the latest information one needs to know about Belgaum. AAB which has always been the voice of Belgaum being in the forefront, taking so many initiatives & yielding results for the betterment of Belgaumites.

1 thought on “Jimmys joy ride with photography”

  1. Very nice and inspiring interview….

    I like this sentence “You would just need to blink & the moment is captured” – Thats the future of photography. What should i term it – “Biometric photography” 🙂


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