This is a new section on this site which will keep you abreast with latest technology, gadgets which have come into Belgaum. Experts will review the product. Two reviews which are in the pipeline are the Dell Inspirion 4z and the wikireader so stay glued here.
To begin with here is wordpress success story:
Sandeep Hegde was just trying around to monetize which runs on wordpress. Since it is an wordpress multi user platform, he could not get a way to place ads on the member blogs easily. Searching for a plugin to do that went in ruin. Finally after months of analysis we found an easy way place ads on buddypress sites. In one way this may not be similar to normal plugins, you can even consider it to be a buddypress hack– Buddypress Ads Plugin. The plugin has been downloaded 64 times in just 2 days.
” BuddyPress will extend WordPress MU and bring social networking features to a new or existing installation. The
BuddyPress is a suite of WordPress plugins and themes, each adding a distinct new feature. BuddyPress contains all the features you’d expect from WordPress but aims to let members socially interact. ”
Buddypress Ads Plugin :
This plugin will allow you to publish ads through your buddypress site (with wordpress mu) Supports multiple ad networks including adsense , adbrite and many more. Just replace the ad code below with your own ad code. This is the easiest way to monetize to wordpress mu and buddypress community.
The plugin approved by wordpress :
You can download the plugin here : Download Now !
Great going Sandeep! Congratulations!
Great going Sandeep! Congratulations!
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С FFI био катализатор MPG Заработай в сети Ведение бизнеса Биокатализатор MPG поможет очистить планету от вредных выхлопных газов