Belgaum Bangalore flight cancelled due to operational reason

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I had mailed the Kingfisher airlines asking an explanation as to why the flights have been cancelled from Belgaum.kingfisher

 Here is the Reply I got –

Dear Uday,

With regards to your email, we would like to inform you that due to operational reason flight Bangalore to Belgaum is cancelled from 17th June 2009.

For more information you can visit our website .

We look forward to being of assistance to you.

Best Regards,

 Guest Commitment
Kingfisher Airlines”

 Operational reason will be lack of traffic on the route and nothing else I guess. The aviation industry on a whole is in turbulence and hence the best way to survive is cut costs and to cut costs stop all the routes where there is not profit.


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6 thoughts on “Belgaum Bangalore flight cancelled due to operational reason”

  1. Well why dont they club it with Hubli,

    Eg. Bombay – Belgaum – Hubli – Bombay
    Bangalore – Hubli – Belgaum – Bangalore

    Even Kholapur is an option. I remember flying with Air Deccan Belgaum – Hubli – Bombay back in December 07.

  2. If KSRTC and the railways start to think in the same way there wont be any trains and busses. if u make profit in some places there will be loss as well in other.try to connect 1 flight to more destinations or any alternative methods.where there is a will there is a way.

  3. Yes, you are right. Instead of having only one destination from Mumbai and from Bangalore club the 2-3 destinations with only one flight. From mumbai if they include the Kolhapur then it would be good option and same with Bangalore-belgaun-hubli.

    As the update says its for cost cutting then why Vijay Malya brought the sword of Tippu sultan and other belonging to our nation by paying crores…?

    Its unnecessary waste of money I would say…If the same money is used for some development work or to reproduce some jobs in india it will have some value.

    The British left India leaving lot of things behind and they never come to take back these…

  4. Well I remember flying from Bgm to B’lore in Air Deccan via Hubli . . It was a good Option to get to B’lore. Well now everyone will switch on to Go to Goa n den catch a flight to Mumbai/B’lore or any other destination.

    Hope for the Best change.

  5. most of the pepal in out like a dubai kuwait sudi bharin kater in urop conty also in ayesn contry also dats BMG pelpal ther com to bgm by bus aur trin dats lots of time waist MOM TO BMG TO BLR btvn 500 km 500 km ther r 2 INTRL AIRPOT dats 2 big mtro citys in medl BGM u can mak BGM INTRL AIRPOT dats gud for all, BMG is knw groing this 2cptl of karnataka i reqst to u mak contng flight to fly BMG..


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