The city is getting ready for the mega event. Work is progress and work is going on 24×7 and yet the work will complete on time is not yet known.
some exclusive photos for the readers of AAB: All Photos Team AAB

The city is getting ready for the mega event. Work is progress and work is going on 24×7 and yet the work will complete on time is not yet known.
some exclusive photos for the readers of AAB: All Photos Team AAB
Is This Belgaum???????
Progrss after a long time…..Good
ahem ahem great work bhai u could had given me call na was free
Thanks for these pics uday!! but go beyond Jamboti till sural, you will find the reak face of Karnataka Govt.
Hey Uday, what about the patch between fish market and the petrol pump near police quarters…..have they widened that road too???? If yes please post some pics…and thank you for the excellent coverage.
That road has been widened by 4-5 feet on only one side
Superb AAB, hats off to the team work……
Man, I am not able to recognise many of these place!!! But quite a lot work remains to be done I guess, the roads are still uncarpeted, footpaths still being done and street lights yet to be done. Anyway a great step towards improvement.
Beautiful Pics Bro!!!
Proud to be a Belgamite!!!
Nice all i wanted..
thx for sharing…
fantastic photos!! kudos!! 🙂
Gud pictures with updates.
2 more days to go……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
thanx for update. really great photographs.
Hi Any updates on roads towards Mahantesh nagar to Kanbargi
thanks very good work today only i was telling somebody to do this
good work!!
good work!!!
really sad 2 kno all this still going on 4 such a historic event of vks which is just 2 days ahead n d the officers n ministers wake up only wen it is this necessary….:(
good going belgaum…
Nice to see Belgaum’s infrastucture improve after such a long time , real nice pics.
Dear Uday,
I request you to take photographs of places after 2 or three months ..You will see actual quality and progress..)
Wow really ………………….. Our Belgaum is Looking like Metro city!
Good coverage Uday & team..
Keep updated on work done a day before summit
Also do post pictures of summit..
is this development will continue after VKS or it will stopped.
Great job Uday. Nice photus . WKS should be held once in 5 years in Belgaum.
I am loving it 🙂
Thanks a lot for these updates with lovely photos.
good Uday, you are the one who are actually doing and showing the correct news and scene of Belgaum……..
not for development, but for the way it is done.
wish such sammelan r held every year………gd 4 the city development
At least the netas have woken up.Be thankful for that.
It is upto every citizen in Belgaum now to take care of their city.If each one of us decide to keep the city the way we keep our front yard a lot of good will come to our cities.
It is nice to see our Belgaum like this, Now a days it is developing slowly in every field and I pray that it should get develop in It field also so I can come back to my native, I am missing my pyara Belgaum and many thanks for uploading these photos so at least I can see my belaaum in photos
Welcome to Belgaum, the host for "Karnataka Vishwa Sammelan"
good but what about khoka owners
very nice city belgaum for nice and cool people thanks for government of karnataka
Dear Shree Uday ,fantastic coverage with self explainatory pictures. any development on Dr B R Ambedkar road, V T U section via G I T & Udyam Baug. What about the Famous & the beautiful Dalavi Bungalow while entering Kelkar baug? I & all my children with my wife are missing Belgaum & that too this Mega Event .
Thanks once again to revisit our beautiful & socio-culturally advanced City of Belagao.
Thanks for up dating us who are far away.
There is no way in hell…that this all will be completed…in time…u guys are living in denial…when the whole of india is 25 years behind developed countries…what are the chances that these projects will be doen!!!???……and morever…jus mark my words…it will take few years to finish this all…if u guys are lucky…after the samelan..jus watch everything will be left the way it is…hahahahhaa….as I said stupidity has no bounds…funny.
jai bhuvaneswari….
oh my god…… its totally changed……
cha maila,,, bgm sudralay…