The world sees the looks,
But the looks will cease the world.
You never enter the good books,
when books too look like goods.
This is a stanza from “Lots of Lost Looks”, a poem written by the maverick gentleman who in his twenties along with spreading knowledge at a MBA college lives his dreams of becoming a poet and a copywriter. Ameet Joshi is a Lecturer on Marketing at the Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School, Belgaum.
Along with his teaching he also loves to write and his first book “Ameethyst” is all set for a release on Thursday June 2 at the BHMC Hall, BET Campus, Near Fort, Belgaum.

Ameet calls himself an ABNORMAL guy who dreams about deja vu and always does uncommon things like writing the dreams what he sees at night. One can call him a dreamer. He laughs at his negativities & lives in positivism. Sounds very weird, but Yes, its Ameet “Infinity” Joshi who is a creative freak on pen.
Ameet did his entire schooling from St.Mary’s high school Camp Belgaum and his BBA from Adarsha Sikshana Samiti’s College of BBA, Gadag. He completed his MBA from KLE Society’s Institute of Management Studies & Research, Hubli. After working for a while in the BPO and media agencies he thought he was not on the right track. He then decided to become a lecturer and joined the Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School, Belgaum where he had ample time to say what he wanted and also do what he wanted.
Here is a small interview with the Maverick:
When did you first know you wanted to write a book?
Ameet Joshi —–> When I read a poem of William Shakespeare called, “Under the Greenwood Tree” in my English text books at school while I was studying 3rd or 4th.. (don’t remember exactly)
Who and what were your inspirations to become a writer?
Ameet Joshi —–> Specially my parents. They said me that I can never be a poet 🙂 That was my actual inspiration. Apart from that, my tutor, Mr. Akther Desai incepted a thought that I can be a great poet one fine day. That itself was an inspiration.
How did the idea of Ameethyst come to you?
Ameet Joshi —–> Ameethyst was earlier a raw collection of poems what I’d named as “Laureate’s Lamentations”. Later, one of my very close colleague, Mrs. Swatee Jog brought up this unique name in front of me and clearly convinced me that, “Ameethyst” is an apt title for my poems’ collection. And I was interested to publish my book from past 9 years, but wasn’t able to find the right time & place. Now that I had some good set of poems written, I thought, “This is it”. Let’s Roll it….
Tell us a little bit about your book?
Ameet Joshi —–> My book is a sheer collection of poems that I’ve been writing from past 15 years. It is a collection of my Life’s journey from Belgaum-Sirsi-Gadag-Pune-Hubli-Bangalore-Hubli-Back to Belgaum… 🙂 People I met, Emotions I expressed & didn’t express too… Places I’ve seen, stuff I’ve loved & despised & most of all, about myself… I sometimes love myself for what I do… (Writing)
Books that have changed your life?
Ameet Joshi —–> Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus, Marketing Management (Kotler, Koshy, Keller, Jha)
What are you currently reading?
Ameet Joshi —–> Ogilvy on Advertising: Lovely book which says, “Never hire your client’s children neither yours, in a company that you have established”.
You have followed you passion all through your life. What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to write more books?
Ameet Joshi —–> Yes. Already, I have written one book that is also a collection of my experiences in life, inclined more towards people who are hypnotized by the Urban Glamor and later get swindled by it’s mere appearance. The book is titled “Urbane Hypnosis”, and another book I am planning to write on the paradoxes I’ve been facing in life and the oxymoron’s that I consider a principles of life and that book is titled as “Living a Paradox”. Future plans would be to excel as a writer in my stream and keep teaching… It takes a lot of patience to teach, than to learn…. Because students from vernacular backgrounds who fail to become fluent speakers in English, need lots of inputs from faculties and it is not an easy piece of cake, unless students are receptive enough to take what we give. Medicines taste bitter, but if taken, Life seems Better.
Tell us a funny unknown fact about yourself.
Ameet Joshi —–> I am DESPERATE to get married…. Its not fun to stay single… I feel ‘GAY’ISH…
If you could use only FIVE words to persuade us to read your book, what would they be?
Ameet Joshi —–> Love, Life, Fun, Friends & Family
eBook or hard copy, or do you not have a preference?
Ameet Joshi —–> Definitely Hard Copy… They stay in your shelf forever, until you keep them. Technology cannot be relied all the time… Piracy rules the Cybertron….
Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: food, education,vegetarian and cinema.
Ameet Joshi —–> Food for Thought: I am Hungry and I want to eat FOOD…. 🙂
Education: Education is, The only word that has all the vowels… 🙂
Vegetarian: Vegetarian is one who steals animal’s food 🙂
Cinema: Zee Cinema says: Movies, Masti, Magic… 🙂
What is the best thing about Belgaum you like?
Ameet Joshi —–> Ambika, Shetty Snacks & my friends….
What are your thoughts on this website?
Ameet Joshi —–> The Google of Belgaum… 🙂
Good to see a budding & a fervent writer from our own city…. ALL THE BEST….
Awesome to see a budding writer ..Keeep it up , AMit , Jus rock!!!!!!
Lathi charge on MES rally
This is what he said
On May 28, 2011 at 9:36 AM Maverick responded with…#
@ Girish
U call ur self to be VEER MARATHA’S n u r afraid of police
Shame !!!
I assume it is the same Maverick. Well It could be YES OR NO but let me also say that everyone is independent to express his/her views.
Well writers can’t be so narrow. Being good in english does not necessarily mean that one can simply become a writer. One really has to experience life, then express by heart & not by pen. If you paint a tender mango to yellow colour it is not going to taste good rather it has to ripen in order to be sweet.