Lakshya is an upcoming Kannada suspense crime thriller directed by Ravi Sasanoor which also stars Santoshraj Zavare of Belagavi. Lakshya is slated for a release in early 2020 and for the first time all the movie has been shot in Gokak and Belagavi district.
Santoshraj Zavare who is native of Belagavi has been performing in sandalwood for 20 years and has acted 25 serials as a lead and some films in supporting roles.
The Story-Screenplay-Direction is by Ravi Sasanoor a very creative Director has tried something different from others and the story itself is a hero and music the heroine.
Various new talents have been given a chance to prove their mettle through Lakshya movie.
Juevin Singh the upcoming and talented music director has given some splendorous music which has become the core of the movie. Jassie Gift, Anuradha Bhat has also sung songs in the movie.
K S Harisankar Tamil Malayalam Telugu popular playback singer makes his debut with this movie in Sandalwood where he sings a children song, “Taregala Gudinda”. The movie also has a Kannada rap song sung by Lee Rapper from Nigeria.
Producer – Shri Mahantesh Tavanshi, Co-Producer Praksh Kolhar from Gokak
Lakshya Cast:
Ramakrishna, Santhosh Raj Zavare, Sathyanath, Nitinvadi, Sharmila, Sai Yashaswini, Malthishree Mysore, Shivakumar Aradhya, Baby Gamana, Baby Divya Dhanashetti, master Aryan and Sakshi.
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