Over 11 crores spent on winter session in Belgaum

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By editor

sessionThe New Indian Express in a special story mentions, “The ongoing winter session of the state legislature in Belgaum is likely to cost the state’s exchequer over Rs 11 crore.”

Expenses of transportation (Rs 1 crore)
accommodation (Rs 2 crore)
cost of lunch, furnishing of Suvarna Soudha, installation of computers for officials and media is likely be around Rs 3 crore.

Breakfast and dinner – Rs 2 crore

Fuel as the government vehicles – Rs 75 lakh

Miscellaneous expense of Rs 1 crore.

Sitting fees and travelling expenses – Rs 15,000-25,000 to each MLA


2 thoughts on “Over 11 crores spent on winter session in Belgaum”

  1. waste of public money. dis session didnt get any benefits for belgaum. MLA’s loot mon
    ey like anything no accountibility, innocent farmer under debit crisis lost his life and announced mere 150rs per tonne frm govt and thats nt enough. per MLAs per month govt expenditure comes around 5lacs jst imagine of whole country. Dis MLAs act themselves as superior above everything. they r least concerned for poor people.corrupt politicians sud thrased in public.

  2. waste of public money. dis session didnt get any benefits for belgaum. MLA’s loot mon
    ey like anything no accountibility, innocent farmer under debit crisis lost his life and announced mere 150rs per tonne frm govt and thats nt enough. per MLAs per month govt expenditure comes around 5lacs jst imagine of whole country. Dis MLAs act themselves as superior above everything. they r least concerned for poor people.corrupt politicians sud thrased in public.


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