Vishwanath Angadi, District Sessions Judge announced the sentence of 12-year imprisonment and Rs 9-lakh penalty to accused Jagadish Kore, in the case of attempt-to-murder of Rajya Sabha member Prabhakar Kore. Jagadish Kore is the nephew of Prabhakar Kore.
Jagadish Kore, accused On October 19, 2006 had fired bullets on Prabhakar Kore at Mayur theatre in Ankali village of Chikkodi taluk. Three bullets had injured Prabhakar Kore. The doctors of KLE Hospital could remove only two of them. Another bullet is still stuck in his body, as its removal may pose risk to his life.
Huge crowds had gathered around the court area to hear the verdict. The sentenced is termed as highest punishment and fine for an attempt to murder case in the history of Belgaum court.