7 test positive active cases now 36 COVID deaths 4

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On July 2 the state saw 1502 new cases while Belagavi district saw 7 new cases with one COVID death.

P-16960 27 Male Belagavi Returnee from Kerala

P-16961 35 Male Belagavi Returnee from Maharashtra

P-16962 54 Male Belagavi Returnee from Gujarat

P-16963 52 Male Belagavi Returnee from Maharashtra

P-16964 45 Male Belagavi SARI – Deceased

P-17021 46 Male Belagavi Contact under tracing

P-17022 8 Female Belagavi Contact under tracing

covid-positive belagavi

The P 16964 aged 45 Male was suffering from SARI and had Fever, Breathlessness and also comorbid . He was admitted on 30-06-20 and he passed away on 01-07-20.

There are 2 patients in the ICU.

1 thought on “7 test positive active cases now 36 COVID deaths 4”

  1. Now the death rate is leading to 1-4 in Belgavi ,they could try homoeopathic medicines too for treatment.


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