Ramesh Devagekar office superintendent EE at the PWD office Belagavi was trapped by the ACB while accepting a bribe of Rs.10,000 from another PWD employee Sharanbasappa Madasnal FDC PWD Suvarna Soudha sub div, Belagavi.
3000 were already paid to Devagekar and now he was accepting 10,000 top clear pending arrears bill, medical reimbursement bill and give transfer orders.
Govt should terminate corrupt officials instead of suspending them till enquire is over. He already caught red handed.. sub registrar office is hub of corrupt officials
They have to be terminated not suspended,they enjoy suspension like honeymoon
Only option is to give all work as outsourcing and remove all Government staff and only few high rank directors to be kept for operating offices.
Only option left in India outsource all government works.
Getting caught and suspension gives a license to out perform the same act with double the confidence, cause there is no shame left
Every department has one or two