After leopard its time for the bears to attack

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It has been just 3 days past, that a leopard had entered Chikhale village and injured a man, this time three bears have attacked two men at Kongala village in Khanapur Taluk.

Two big and one small bear attacked Venkat Gaonkar and Rama Guddappa Kelilkar as they were returning from work at their farm. Both seriously injured are being treated in hospital. Killekar has serious injuries to his eyes and head. Killkear went to save Gaonkar when the bear first attacked. 

1 thought on “After leopard its time for the bears to attack”

  1. This trend will continue unless we stop encroaching forest lands ! Its a lesson to human beings by animals. Pls take steps to avoid such man animal conflicts. Let them live peacefully in their territory.


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