Asmyth feels at home is a Mumbai based band which comprises of three Belgaumites who are childhood friends who grew up doing music in Belagavi.
Asmyth Prabhudesai is a singer composer-lyricist who has been performing for over 10years in various cities and is currently based in Mumbai teamed up with two talented musicians Ishan Sharma and Jobin David who have also seen great success in the commercial music world over the years.
Their band asmyth feels at home has released their very first song ‘Aisi yaari’ which is now available on YouTube and all other streaming platforms like itunes, Spotify, jio savan and others.
All three of them owe their bond and musical inspiration to the city of Belagavi where they grew up as little boys and first picked up music.
They have trained under the best music teachers in Belagavi and have a great sense of gratitude for the city and its people for always giving them so much love and a place to call home.