The Belagavi city corporation hosted a special meeting about the traffic management in the city which was attended by Commissioner Sashidhar Kerur, Mayor Bandekar, Amarnath Reddy DCP Crime, Deepak Jamkhandi Leader of opposition.
Kurer said a sum of 526 crores was allocated for over traffic management under the Smart city scheme which would include many things for traffic management. New tenders would be floated for teams each one in north and south for collection of fines for wrong parking etc he added.
Amarnath Reddy, DCP said that the issue was mainly due to no parking at hotels and complexes as the basements had shops and also raised point about the educational institutions not allowing students and staff to park within the premises.
The Khanjar Galli parking which is ready but has not been operational for reasons known only to the elite was also discussed and parking would be commenced there it was promised. If the parking is allowed a few roads could be made parking free and all parking from main roads will be and should be shifted to the by lanes or sanitary lanes which exist.
The plan to shift the hawkers into the specific hawker’s zone was also again discussed and still it is very unclear when the same would be implemented.
Even after widening of the roads the parking is still an issue and hence what can be done was discussed. But the discussions were in the form of meetings and to discuss the minutes of this meeting we will have another meeting. Nothing very concrete was laid down or was promised to be implemented.
The administration must fall into action and ACT, as such meetings have been held earlier as well and we posted about it but nothing has changed on the ground which is sad.
All talk talk talk talk and no results. Feel very sorry.