Belgaum candidates education

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Laxmi Hebbalkar – MA political Science from Mysore University & Mahendra Deshpande – M Pharma

Sambahji L Patil, Ashok Govekar & Netaji Mangutkar – 6th Standard

Belgaum Candidates Education
  Upto SSLC PUC/ Diploma Bachelors Degree Masters Degree
Belgaum North 5 4 5 1
Belgaum Rural 4 3 4 1
Belgaum South 6 4
Total 15 7 14 2


5 thoughts on “Belgaum candidates education”

  1. We being so educated, we are not getting the jobs in our native place. We are roaming like hell to get a good job. For any jobs you need atleast minimum bachelor degree but for election you dont need any education.To become IAS we neead to clear UPSC, but 5th pass citizen can become a MLA without any sturggle but he just need money with him. why we are lagging behind because these people are only doing showoff of the development. The development is just on the paper and it will come out in front of the people through newpapers at the time of elections only. These people dont know what is real development and real govenment. In all these candidates no one has the patroitic and future oriented attitude. Every one is fighting on religion, cast, border, language, power and money issues. Everyone is busy in showing each other candidates position.In their rally veryone just blamming on each other. really all the people of belgaum need to know that their future is dark if they choose wrong candidate.
    We have seen many people will take money to vote a candidate but they dont know this one time they will get the money but for next 5 years they have to pay for it.
    I am an engineer and i love my belgaum but being so educated there is no value for simple common man. we dont have good opportunities and good salary in belgaum.
    few years before IT park desur was just an foolish idea of government to sell farmers land.

    The Future MLA should be only high educated with peoples choice and not from any party but he should be one from people who has long term thinking nd future plans. The person to creat employment so that atleast people can get their one time food. No fights on cast, religion, language etc. extra ordinary and result oriented person, quick decision taker and support for truth.

    So, Please i request people of belgaum to choose right candidate for this time atleast.

    • Dear brother
      If u want ur desired candidate then i must let u know that Mr Feroz Sait is the candidate who is development oriented and non corrup person.
      If he comes again definately he will show to the people that, what a legislator can do best for the people.So i feel all comunity people should vote for him.

      • Hello Ashfaq bhaijaan,

        I dont want promises bacause i believe on results and i have not seen any development from anyone during last 5 years.

        So how i can believe on you. for kind information.

        The candidates thinks that water supply, roads, lights are the development but these are the basic needs which any civilian have to receive it. anyone from these dont have the knowledge of real development ideas and patroitism.

        You have seen all peoples are pulling each others legs.
        no one has the mindset that we are Indian and we are one. all people are talking on community basis. Right?

        so need to grow and need to know the common civilian problems first.. then he can be a good leader.

  2. There are no such candidate for MP, who are worthy to be elected during the coming general elections. It is also a wrong interpretation that educated/highly educated people would do justice to the people. The Parliament should be dissolved and Military rule to be enacted under the prez till corruption and other malfunctions in the Country stops.


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