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Why should you vote for – Basavarj Javali – Belgaum South JDS

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Why should you Vote for – ? We Ask the candidates and they answer.

Under this category we will try and get answers from different contesting candidates as to their view for Belgaum and what they intend to do if elected. Here is another one –

Basavraj Javali – Belgaum south – Janata Dal Secularjavali

Why should the electorate vote for your party?

Basavarj Javali ——-> The electorate can find many reasons to vote for me because of my clean image and selfless contributions to the society since years now. I personally have contributed lot to the society without a govt. Power. And now its intolerably to see our city go in wrong hands and that is why I have taken up the initiative and contesting the elections for the first time. I have been representing trade and industry through chamber of commerce, FKCCI , KASSIA and BSSIA. And also an active rotary member and hence I know the root causes of all problems and can give a proper decision. When it comes to the party, shri H D Kumaraswami (Ex CM of kar) is the only person who had a visionary. He was the person to have vidhan sabha adiveshan, vidhan souda construction in Belgaum and giving priority to Belgaum as second capital. And also he is a best CM in last 2 decades. He also had a vision to develop Belgaum and have communal peace and integrity.


Is there anything specific that you will contribute to the city of Belgaum, if or elected?

Basavarj Javali ——-> Yes surely I will. That is the reason I am here today. I would take up

~ the road development from 3rd gate to piranwadi for which I am fighting for since 5-6 years.

~ to have over bridges which have been sanctioned but never implemented by the present politicians.


~rail connectivity from dharwad- Belgaum ( parallel to highway ) which also I have been working upon.

~ to bring the heavy industries to Belgaum which will encourage trade and industries and also employment.

~I will also resolve the linguistic differences by taking people into confidence.

~ Most importantly I will look upon the parking problem in the city. To resolve it , I will bring multi level parking facility which can ease the traffic of Belgaum.

~ Vaccine depot is one of the Belgaum’s green treasures which I will help preserve till the end and make most out of it without cutting the trees.


~I will see to it that Belgaum will have uninterrupted power service.

~ I will bring the special funds from the govt. to Belgaum for making it a beautiful city which will eventually attract the tourists.

~ I will help reduce the state level taxes on petrol and diesel which will help the people of Karnataka.


What has been your greatest contribution to Belgaum till date?

Basavarj Javali ——-> 1) The internal road development of macche and industrial estate (by getting funds sanctioned through ASIDE scheme (central govt)

2) Planned to have a cluster based programme for MSME (micro small medium enterprise) to make them competitive, better quality and also for improvement of exports.

3) Getting sanctioned of provident fund office (PFSRO) to Belgaum.

4) Restarting flight service to Belgaum.

5) sanction for survey of train service,

6) I also fought against the corrupt practices of the labor officers which has stopped harassment to small industries.

7) Fought against the false cases filed by ESI and PF officers and succeed which has helped many of the industries.


This region has been relatively ignored as compared to south Karnataka, how will you change the trend?

Basavarj Javali ——->  I have already taken an initiative for development of north Karnataka region through Belgaum chamber of commerce and FKCCI Bangalore. I have also Conducted programme “agenda development north Karnataka” at Belgaum foundry cluster and invited entrepreneurs for investment  in this region to develop and around 1500 crores MOUs have been done on that day which will contribute for the development of north Karnataka . Among these, n numbers of cold storage, power plants (gas based) and foundry based industries MOUs have been done. This region is neglected because of the border and linguistic issues and non interest of politicians but as you must be aware, when shri H D kumaraswamy was the chief minister of Karnataka , he was the only person who had given priority to Belgaum dist. And had a visionary thought of developing this region. That’s why I am representing this party. If I get elected, I will make sure I resolve the linguistic issues by presenting the issue of the minority people and by convincing them not to fight for taking Belgaum to Maharashtra as they can be much happier by being in Karnataka for various reasons like power tariff, labor issues, so on. I will bring at least 2 big public sector companies which will boost trade and industry activity in this region and bring importance to it.

What qualities in you make you a special candidate?

Basavarj Javali ——->  my selfless service to society, honesty and transparency make me a special candidate. I have been a struggling entrepreneur, social worker since years now and I know all the ups and downs of small to big people. I have been representing the trade and industries who r the main contributors to the govt.  I have also been fighting against corruption and I am a supporter of Anna hazare. Also, my good relations with all class of people in Belgaum help me understand them better and help them better.

According to you are there some factors which would go against you?

Basavarj Javali ——-> I do not think so as I don’t have any such issues. Except for the people who get carried away with materialistic things during elections and the people who do not see the candidate but see the party and vote.

Would you like to commit something to the electorate?

Basavarj Javali ——-> I assure you all my personal presence and support be it anybody. I will also make sure people can contact me directly through social networking sites as well .I will also make people aware of govt. schemes and get their benefits. I will spare one full day in a week as “janata darshan“and resolve the problems as early as possible whole heartedly.

What are your plans for the young ages which are migrating to other cities like Bangalore, Pune etc?

 Basavarj Javali ——-> Maximum of the young generation is migrating due to better opportunities in the big cities as the companies are situated there.  I will try to bring those companies to Belgaum and try to provide maximum job opportunities through those companies giving the first priority to the localities.

What are your plans for protection of environment? Green Belgaum, No plastic zone or Rain Water harvesting etc. 

Basavarj Javali ——-> Protection of environment can be implemented by making people aware of the dos and the don’ts and their after effects. Especially in the rural areas as well as suburban areas where people are uneducated I will see that in the next 1 year ill plant trees all over the city, dividers and road side (which have been cut down in the name of development) and even in open spaces to make it green. Already we have supported and initiated a programme on “no plastic zone”. I will implement the Provision of waste management and Rainwater harvesting (it is very imp project which can save water and can be reused as well).

What are your plans for beautification of Belgaum marketing of Belgaum to attract tourist, to increase local business etc?

Basavarj Javali ——-> First of all for beautification of the city, I will remove the unwanted banners and posters and make digital banners , hoardings, and implement the corporation rules strictly like parking, hawker zone, zero traffic zone and implement international standards to our city which will become a big attraction such as hi tech bus stops , wifi facilities and implementation of CDP (city development plan) which is pending from past many years . All public places will be kept utmost clean and green. I will bring some good water park to our city which can attract people from nearby places. I will also improve the present heritage places like fort, kamal basti, and also many places nearby 100 kms from Belgaum that can be visited. And the same public can come back to Belgaum for stay. 

What are your thoughts on making the Meters compulsory for Autos?

Basavarj Javali ——-> I have already supported the issue of auto meters implementation through RTA meeting to the deputy commissioner who had in turn promised to implement the auto meters in 1 month but unfortunately no further meetings took place and the deputy commissioner has been transferred. Anyways I will see that the auto meters will be implemented in next 3 months at any cost.

Basavraj Javali
Party : Janata Dal Secular
Age :  50
Contact :
Education : B.Com III Lingraj college
Profession :
Assets : Self: 1,19,48,787 spouse: 4,56,92,522
: Dependent 1: 28000 Dep 2: 28000
: Immovable: Dependent:
Immovable Self acquired: 5.5 crores Spouse: 2.65 Crores
Liabilities : Self: Spouse: Depen:
Cases : 4 – u/s 418,419,420; 143,147,341,504; 31(1),107 KP act; 500 IPC Private complaint
PAN submitted : Yes
IT return : 2011-12 Submitted Income shown: 9,55,533
Assets in 2008 as declared then Movable Assets: Immovable Assets:

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