Attestation parade at the Maratha light infantry regimental centre Belgaum

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mlircAttestation parade for the recruits of the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre was held today at 0730 hrs at Talekar Drill Square of The MARATHA Light Infantry Regimental Centre. A batch of 217 recruits of group 3/13 who successfully completed their training were attested and will soon be going to different parts of the country in the service of nation.

 The parade was reviewed by Brig Santosh Kurup, SM Comdt The MARATHA LIRC, Belgaum. The impressive oath taking ceremony was held in the presence of the National Flag and Regimental colours. The young soldiers took oath to serve their motherland and to protect its integrity even at the cost of their lives.

Comdt, The MARATHA LIRC in his address to the newly attested soldiers reminded them of their rich heritage, and to follow in the footsteps of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He highlighted on the basic aspect of being a good human being with a high level of integrity. He said there are not short cuts to success and that hard work is the only key to achieve goals. He further emphasized on total commitment to the country, to the regiment and to the battalion. He expressed confidence that their training in the Regimental Centre would stand them in good stead and wished the young soldiers the very best in all their future assignments.

The parade was commanded by Sepoy Nikhil Rajmane with Parade Adjutant being Capt Jacob Panicker M. The reviewing officer gave away various medals to recruits excelling in different spheres of training at the end of the parade. Overall Best Recruit Medal was awarded to Sepoy Santosh Ghuge, Honorary Captain Keshav Rao Talekar Medal and Trophy for best in Drill were awarded to Sepoy Nikhil Rajmane. Maj SS Brar Medal and Trophy for best in Physical Training was awarded to Sepoy Dilip Deore. For best in Field Craft Training the Colonel NJ Nair, Medal and Trophy was awarded to Sepoy Amol Falke. Sucha Singh Memorial Cup and Medal for best in Out door activities was awarded to Sepoy Prafull Pawar. Sepoy Jasseem J was awarded Naik Namdev Jadhav Medal and Firing Trophy for being best in firing.

1 thought on “Attestation parade at the Maratha light infantry regimental centre Belgaum”

  1. Dear Sir,
    In the course of processing pension cases,There are many from MLI and some of the cases are referred to your centre for clarifications and update etc. I would request you to give full details of Commandant, MLIRC , his e mail Id, tel No, Mob no etc and that of CRO and Dy Commandant for my records. I had called on Col Bhagwat few years back but it seems he is posted out.
    Your early reply will help many veterans.
    Gp Capt S S Phatak(retd)


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