Availability of Blood in Blood Banks now online

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blood bank belgaum It is often seen that the patients’ attendants have to run from one blood bank to another to find matching blood. But inow, everybody would have access to this facility. Also it would become easy for the attendants to get blood in emergency situations. Patient Attendants and blood bank officials will be able to check availability blood of any group at any particular blood bank online in Karnataka.

On the link mentioned opened by the Drug Control department of the state all the Blood banks will have to update their stock. [ we did check this site for over a month to see if it is updated daily and yes it is updated]

Select the District as Belgaum and hit the Search button you will get the availability of Blood of various Blood groups in the various blood Banks. You also see the Entry date and time of the data Updation.

 It is often seen that patient’s attendants have to run from one blood bank to other blood bank to find out the availability of blood of a particular blood group. People could also be able to check the availability of blood of a particular group in a particular blood bank it would become easy for the attendants to get blood when it is required in emergency situation.

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