Ban to prevent violence- BSY: Belgaumites view

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By editor

Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on Saturday declined to comment on the statement of Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, who had threatened to snap ties with BJP over the Karnataka government’s “harassment’’ of pro- Maharashtrians in border areas around Belgaum.

Karnataka never ignored the interests of Marathi people of Belgaum. “Kannadigas and Marathis are brothers, born to one mother, Bharat Mata,’’ Yeddyurappa said.

It was the decision of the the district administration to ban the Maha Melava organised by the Maharashtra Ekikaran Samithi, expecting violence.


Source: Express Buzz


One note of value:
If you go with Marathi media there is one story and if you go with Kannda media it’s another one. I found English media somewhat in between like just giving news bytes of both parties like I have done.

States were made on linguistic basis & now with the boom of satellite television and newer channels coming up day after day, all want to give something special so that they can get higher TRPs. No one is trying to showcase the entire problem of Belgaum as news. All want to sensationalize the matter. I for the 1st time saw Marathi media doing a 30 mins whole news how on Belgaum border dispute.  The Kannada media must have also done one, no harm in doing it, its business and to succeed in business you have to play all the tricks.


But those tricks and sensationalizing of the matter will not help Belgaum which is of more importance for all of us. The media all covered the event live from Belgaum for 2 days and today nothing, it means what the media (esp. TV) want something sensationalizing every day. “Din gaye baat gaye”

But who will suffer for all that is no one else but Belgaumites.

Hope you all agree to this point.

1 thought on “Ban to prevent violence- BSY: Belgaumites view”

  1. Very true….. Actually people of Belgaum ( Uneducated ) are falling prey to News given in Local New papers for eg like Tarun Bharat. Tarun Bharat paper has made its Fortune all these years on this sensitive issue of Kar-Maha Border. And people paying and reading such news don’t know that Maharastra Govt has never made any Solid Steps w.r.t Development and Upliftment of belgaum and its ppl.


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