The Karnataka state government has set up two Large Vaccine Storage units in Bengaluru and Belagavi with walk-in coolers and walk-in-freezers facility for storing large quantity of Vaccine required for entire state.
Also five regional stores at Chitradurga , Mysuru, Mangaluru, Kalaburagi and Bagalkote, with walk-in coolers and walk-in-freezers to store vaccine at regional levels and distribute them.
The COVID vaccine is likely to arrive in Belagavi by January end and the administration is now putting all its efforts for the storage and then the distribution of the same.
Boxes of Vaccine will arrive mainly from Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune will arrive to Belagavi from where they would be dispatched to Bagalkot, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, Karwar, Vijayapura and Koppal.
Protocols have been set in place as to how the vaccine has to be transported at what temperature etc.
180 deep freezers and ice-lined refrigerators have been installed at primary healthcare, community, taluk-level and district drug centres.
According to the health department in the first phase, 28,195 people, mostly healthcare workers and other frontline staff on pandemic duty will get pricked.
Then in the second phase 2 lakh police personnel and ASHA, anganwadi and civic workers will be vaccinated. More than 50 lakh people will be covered in subsequent stages, reports the ToI.
Good News for the Belagavis…..The sooner the BETTER !!!!