Member of Parliament Belagavi Jagdish Shettar, has vacated the rented house in the Kumarswamy Layout of Belagavi city, which he had occupied during the Lok Sabha elections. Shettar, who moved to Belagavi with his wife and son before the elections, had performed a Puja before settling into the rented home.
During the election campaign, Minister Lakshmi Hebbalkar had questioned Shettar’s status as a Belagavi resident, casting doubts on his local address. In response, Shettar had asserted that he had established a permanent address in Belagavi.
Addressing the media following his move, Shettar stated, “I am looking for a site with the intention of constructing a permanent house. I will buy the site as soon as possible and start building the house. To make myself accessible to the people, I plan to stay in Belagavi three to four days a week and visit every taluk.”
Shettar’s actions and his plans to construct a permanent residence in Belagavi continue to be a topic of heated discussion in political circles.
Yaar jholi uthane ka waada kiya kis ne aur ne, nibha koi aur Raha hai😉