The city traffic police have prepared a proposal titled Belagavi Traffic Improvement Project (BelTRAC) to technically and professionally improve the traffic conditions here.
Under the same now the Police will get 2 Towing Vehicles and 10 hitech Body Worn Cameras.
Under BelTRAC, it had been planned to adopt the Transportation Demand Management methodology where the latest traffic hardware and software would be integrated to make the transportation system more efficient and improve traffic conditions.
The Towing vehicle will be a Hydraulic Vehicle Towing System mounted on Chassis of TATA 407 or Equivalent Vehicle of GVW not less than 5000 Kgs. Vehicle lift and release with simple button press. Hydraulic mechanism suitable for removing 4-wheeler and 2-wheeler from unauthorized parking areas without damaging vehicles.
The Body Worn Camera will have capabilities of recording a HD video with a 12 MP camera.