Belagavi-Vasco- Belagavi new special train from 20 July

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The railway board has approved the running of the 06921/06922 Belagavi-Vasco- Belagavi bi-weekly passenger special for 3 months on a trial basis from 20-07-2019.

The train will run on Friday and Saturday only

Inaugural Special:
Train No: 06922 Vasco- Belagavi will be flagged off 20-7-2019 at Vasco station and the inaugiral train will run with open timings.

Regular Special:

Train No: 06921/06922 Belagavi-Vasco- Belagavi bi-Weekly passenger will run from 26-07-2019 to 26-10-2019 and will comprise of 10 coaches.

Belagavi Departure – 06.20
Vasco Arrival – 12.40

Vasco Departure – 15.55
Belagavi Arrival – 21.25

Pc: Shridhar Hulikavi

19 thoughts on “Belagavi-Vasco- Belagavi new special train from 20 July”

  1. A welcome connect to Goa. Mr Suresh Angadi must be complimented. Citizens of Belagavi must extensively use the facility.
    My congratulations to Mr Girish Hosur on being appointed as nodal officer for Jal Shakthi Abhiyan. He is efficient and thinks out of box. All the best Girish ji.

  2. Sir suresh angadiji, kudachi to bagalkot new line is under slow progress.please in current year to complete.

  3. Timings should be interchanged tehn only it will be profitable…
    Because anyways Goa express leaves Vasco at 15:10 …nd reaches belgavi by 20:30
    So people will definitely prefer Goa express instead of this train

  4. Sir
    Excellent train connectivity start from BELGAVI to Goa.
    Suresh angdi sir Also please consider connectivity from BELGAVI to east via Hubli bizwada Bhubaneswar howrh it’s helps to our army and lac people’s of this side.

  5. Thank you for the new train. Please make this train run on Wednesday leaving Belagavi at 06 00 am and reaching Vasco da Gama at 12 00 pm . And leave Vasco da Gama at 01 00 PM . And reaching Belagavi at 07 00 PM . Please. And Saturday same timing as well. I would have it to be much prefer it to be Wednesday mornings and Saturday morning leaving Vasco da Gama. Because there are no trains on those two days please. Also I request you to start a train from Hubli to Mangalore via Londa , Margao please. All the best and thank you for the new trains.

  6. The trains on Friday are many, 18048, then Hyderabad, daily Nizamuddin etc so on Wednesday it is good, make it Wednesday. Buses connections at 6 am is also not possible, so 8am would be good 2pm

  7. Would also request the train from Vasco to leave by 11:00AM and not 15:55hrs, and the train from Belgavi can be departed at 14:00hrs instead of 06:00hrs

  8. Mr. Ram I don’t think the word foolish fits here. Such a wonderful facility is available now. Probably great work done by hon. Minister Shri Andgadi Sir. There is way for improving if timing isn’t suitable.

  9. Dear sir, Thank you for starting a train from belgaum to vasco, probably 6am is not suitable for belgaum people as local buses starts at 6:15am itself for people who are staying away from belgaum city. kindly look into the timing of the train schedule. Thank you once again hope for wonderful job.

  10. It is better if they start on every Sunday due to heavy rushes in buses. & return journey should start at 15:00 PM from Belgaum instead of 12:30 PM


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