Belgaum Ganesh Darshan 2013

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23 thoughts on “Belgaum Ganesh Darshan 2013”

  1. Hai Uday,

    I am from belgaum. Now I am working in Bangalore. Really you are doing fantastic job. Please upload Ganapati Photos of Gavali Galli and Kangral Galli it is in the heart of the city. Sir last time also you forget to add the photos. please atleast this time upload the same.

    Thanks and Regards.

      • Hi Uday,

        mine also same problem,I am from belgaum. but now working in Bangalore, so please i request you to upload Ganapati Photos of Shahapur area (mainly shahapur basavan galli)

        • Hi Uday,

          You are really done a good job for all those who are living away from Belgaum. I am basically from Uppar Galli, Khasbag Belgaum. Every year I use to visit Ganapathi festival but this year I could’t. But I saw maximum galli ganapathi’s of Belgaum through net, because of your great job.

          But I couldn’t seen some imp photo’s i.e Uppar Galli, Sambaji road Khasbag, Near kalamandir, Varadappa galli, Navi galli. If possible please update these. GANPATHI BAPPA MORAYA

          Thanks once again.

  2. Amazing!!!! Ganapati Bappa Morya 🙂
    Thank you all for carrying forward the tradition of celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi in a grand way.


  3. too out of BGM can u upload pics from tashildar galli, tanaji galli , vegetable market fort road, ravivar peth…please.and also is there any special attraction in childhood day’s there were water fountain. dungeons..temple replicas etc…

  4. too out of BGM can u upload pics from AYODHYA NAGAR TILAKWADI BGM…please.and also is there any special attraction in childhood day’s there were water fountain. dungeons..temple replicas etc THANKS

  5. GREAT JOB Mr Uday keep its up . I am also form belgaum working in Manglore . Its was great to see all the Ganpati at one time . Mr Uday I request you to upload the max pics of ganesh veserjan belgaum .Even I can enjoy the vesrjan after seeing the pics .


  6. Boss,

    Thanks a ton.. u made my day.

    I was doing my engineering and we had a ganesh pendal just beside by house. I remember always reading full high volume of ganesha.

    I just can not forget the childhood days. It was amazing.

    harish kulkarni


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